Search results

  1. saltn00b

    Flame Angle, is this HLLE?

    how large is the tank, and if it is a very old tank, have you checked for PO4? phosphates build up in old systems and at very high levels can be harmful to fish. if you dont have corals that are much more sensitive to coral, then there is no way you would know how high it is getting and would...
  2. saltn00b

    Interesting way to rid flatworms

    i was going to ask what early bird just did. oh and 100 wrasses, that is AWESOME , id love to see it.
  3. saltn00b

    Do Nassirus snails breed often?

    sounds like a different specied altogether. could have come in on rock or coral and taken a long time to become visible.
  4. saltn00b

    the thermos blind trade

    yea yea i was waiting on boston's confirmation of thermos possession. i will send out monday to avoid holiday mixups
  5. saltn00b

    Mushroom Coral-Blue

    assuming they are not photoshopped (i dont think they are, but i took a few glances at first) id be interested in a trade too. im in FTL.
  6. saltn00b

    Mushroom Coral-Blue

    great pics. great shrooms, but are they the normal blue shrooms or a purple species?
  7. saltn00b

    ? on hot packs

    nice link
  8. saltn00b

    Haven't been around

    great looking tank promise! glad to see you back on here, that mille is mind blowing!
  9. saltn00b

    Stars and Stripes Puffer Poll

    cant see coralkeepers pics.
  10. saltn00b

    Cigar Time

    well played! good show! and nope, its not just the cognac, those bad boys will buzz you quite thoroughly all by themselves
  11. saltn00b

    Scarlet Hermit Crab Poll

    can we please include mine if its not too late?
  12. saltn00b

    scarlet hermit

    please include! you have permission to crop as neccessary :)
  13. saltn00b

    Saltn00b's Multi-Phase Upgrade Diary!

    thanks for the enthusiasm! I started sanding down the plugs and the sidewalls / overlapping as well. no pics of that just yet :P
  14. saltn00b

    Saltn00b's Multi-Phase Upgrade Diary!

    we supported the initial box structure (the 4 sidewalls) with wood screws. all pre drilled to prevent splitting and also the little divets (what are they called again?) to make room for the nail heads and the wood caps to be glued on top. pre-drilling and the divet things screws in place caps...
  15. saltn00b

    Anybody interested in seeing BEOWULF?

    man i dont know about this movie, but as a kid i used to LOVE the Grendel comic books. they came out around '94, i want to say Darkhorse.... probably just because it had crazy violence and [hr] . anyone else ever read them?
  16. saltn00b

    Anybody interested in seeing BEOWULF?

    its coming out in IMAX and IMAX 3D. i think this is why the graphics are slightly unrealistic, because the action scenes will be in 3D, like superman. hopefully it is done right. I read this about 10 years ago, was this the story with Grendel or Mephistopheles?
  17. saltn00b

    CHAETO + $15 shipped

    cheato has been shipped. any other takers? here is a bigger bag pictured (not the size advertised)
  18. saltn00b

    T-5 Lighting Cost Increase

    they had a price increase back in february as well. it went from 550 -> ~700 when i got mine.
  19. saltn00b

    Engineer Goby

    awesome shots!
  20. saltn00b

    Snowflake Eel Poll

    wow this was one of the toughest contests to vote on. my final vote went to O.P. but it was a very close call. Jay, (elite), i justed wanted to say a few things. im not bashing you in anyway , just observing here. i noticed you are very into this contest and seem to think a lot of people are...