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  1. saltn00b

    How much gph can my overflow handle?

    yea you are probably going to want to have an actual GPH of about 1500 from your return.
  2. saltn00b

    Cabbage leather for anything?

  3. saltn00b

    large BTA FS / Trade in FTL

    i have a massive one i am trying to get rid of. it is in my QT and isolated, so it is ready to go. closer 12-14" i live in FTL area pick up only please. asking $75 or trade for corals.
  4. saltn00b

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    aw sorry - my diamond goby of about a year died in quarantine.
  5. saltn00b

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    sleeper goby looks happy, what happened to the diamond?
  6. saltn00b

    Can this be right?

    sounds like to me that you basically moved two established tanks into one 'new' tank and added some already cured rock. assuming the rock was truly cured, you could easily get away with almost zero cycling. I have done similar actions when i moved my existing 75 into a 150 and added LR. i had...
  7. saltn00b

    Some crazy ppl on Craigslist.

    I just read that in another thread. grats! its sorta like putting on a pair of jeans and finding a Tide-fresh Jefferson in the pocket!
  8. saltn00b

    Algae indentification

    some benefits: Coralline algae prevents other algae from growing The bright colors add value to tank raised live rock Coralline covered rocks will seed reef aquariums Mixed colors of coralline algae are rare in nature Coraline algae sells the live rock its a visual cue to the aquarist that...
  9. saltn00b

    How much gph can my overflow handle?

    ok, what size tank do you have? sump? is the sump a fuge? what GPH is the pump you are replacing?
  10. saltn00b

    Some crazy ppl on Craigslist.

    did you silicone the baffles?
  11. saltn00b

    How much gph can my overflow handle?

    why are you considering replacing the return pump? usually you dont want massive flow through a sump, but the majority of the flow in the system should be from powerheads or a closed loop system.
  12. saltn00b

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    hey Az, been a while since i have been active on the boards and your tank has come a looooooooong way since i have last visited this thread. just wanted to say everything looks great, especially the canopy. i can only hope my final product will look 1/2 as good. what kind of anthias did you...
  13. saltn00b

    AZAINTCOLD's tank diary

    tanks looking great! thats a pretty bubble coral, i miss mine, and i have been looking for a replacement for sometime, but very nice specimens are few and far between. your frogspawn looks like the one i have. are the tips purplish?
  14. saltn00b

    Algae indentification

    Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG Coraline, I got some in my aquarium. that is excellent. its what you want and a good sign you are doing things right. just keep your calcium / alk levels on par and your tank is going to change its appearance over the next 3 months now that it is starting to...
  15. saltn00b

    Is this an GOOD light...JEBO Odyessea?????

    why get PC? for less money you usually get a sweet T-5 rig.
  16. saltn00b

    is this anenome hurt?

    it doesnt matter where you place those corals in relation to the anenome because it will move
  17. saltn00b

    Zooanthid growth Race!!!!

    yea the weekly photos i think is what killed this. it should have been once every 2 or even 4 weeks , for any noticeable differences
  18. saltn00b

    Zooanthid growth Race!!!!

    i tried to remove the empty rock last night, and it was a little stuck. i was figuring that was where the cloves grew onto the big rock, so just some left over flesh... i pull it off and find 5-6 clove heads growing on the big rock hiding from the galaxia onslaught! ill take a pic of that
  19. saltn00b

    is this anenome hurt?

    looks healthy now, maybe slightly bleached. unfortunately, purple tip hatian condys generally do not fare as well as the more common LTA condy. they have a tendency of not wanting to "lock up" with its foot and roll into a dark corner of the and die. a dieing anenome must be removed ASAP...
  20. saltn00b

    Zooanthid growth Race!!!!

    hehe, i could do that. the blues that lasted up until last night had a full 4th head too... my cloves are growing all over my rock and the other colonies look good as well. maybe i will refrag this weekend