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    Getting the water to my fuge?

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    Getting the water to my fuge?

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    Getting the water to my fuge?

    what would be the max GPH for me.
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    yea im goin to run 3 400w. Could i put reflection tape just to be safe?
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    I have a 180 and the top brace has 2 plastic braces and i want to put MH on this tank but im afraid it will melt the braces.
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    Getting the water to my fuge?

    ok like what would be a good GPH for the PH? Also what kind of tubing should i use for the water goin into the fuge?
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    Getting the water to my fuge?

    What would be the best way to get the water to my fuge?
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    54 gallon bowfront corner mixed reef profile

    Your pics are awesome. What kind of camera do u use?
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    Post your nano pictures

    that is an awesome tank what are ur specs?
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    A humble home brewed 6-pak...

    What are ur dimensions of ur tank?
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    A humble home brewed 6-pak...

    That is such a nice tank.Can we get a full shot of the whole tank?
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    just got a 100g tank

    its so nice i will get a pic of it tonight and let u guys see how it looks.
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    My 12g eclipse reef.

    yea havent had alot of time lately.But now i should have more time to hang around the site more.
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    How many tanks do u have?

    yea the only prob i have is findin where to put it. I already have my 12 in my parents room. lol
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    cling fish

    if any of u guys do let me know cause im interested.
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    How many tanks do u have?

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    Post your nano pictures

    i had a pearl jawfish and he was so awesome how he would just sitt there and stare. I also loved it when he spit the sand out of his cave after a hermit ran by and pushed in his hole. But for some odd reason my tank crased and everything died except for my anemone and my tomato clown. I still...
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    Hair alage any anwsers?

    well i had some in my 12 and my friend gave me a urcin and i bought mexican turbo snails and within 3 days it was all gone . HTH