Search results

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    7 gallon nano

    k thank u:D
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    Bad advise from the LFS...

    a yellow tang will be fine in a 29g it only grows to the size of the tank.
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    inhabitants of a 29g

    yea i would go with the cleaners i have one in my tank and eveytime i stick my hand in the tank he trys to clean it. Plus they wont pick at ur corals.
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    do i need bio balls in sump?

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    7 gallon nano

    Bump. Could u just tell me the width of the reflector?
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    Blue palm?

    thanks alot i dont think i will get one. I like how they look
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    7 gallon nano

    NICE. Thank you now i think i am goin to have to get that for my 12g eclipse.also what are the exact dimensions?
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    Blue palm?

    yea thats the site i found one on. So it should be easy to care for?
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    Blue palm?

    I want one but i want to know if they are hard to care for?
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    Tank size for these fish

    i know someone who has a 135 and a 180 for sale when u are ready to upgrade.
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    Updated 12

    yea but it is to much of a problem so im takin it down and buying a hang on fuge
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    Tank size for these fish

    whats ur name?I go there to
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    PC users, show us your corals!

    just got him thursday
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    Tank size for these fish

    hey lionfish im from bradenton what school do u go to?
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    Updated 12

    12 gallon
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    and my hairy mushroom
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    my feather duster
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    my colt
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    Updated 12

    heres my frogspawn