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  1. seahawkfan

    Nano replacement lights

    nobody has had to replace their bulbs? Wow.
  2. seahawkfan

    Nano replacement lights

    Does anyone know of a sight for illuminator T5 8W bulbs? None of the lfs's here carry nano bulbs. I have searched on-line but did not come up with my bulbs. They are for a cubemaster 12 gallon nano. Please help if you can. Thanks.
  3. seahawkfan

    Chaeto killing my cycle?

    Iv'e just started cycling my 12 G nano 5 days ago. I purchased 15 lbs. of great live rock, and put 20 lbs. of live sand in. I bought the live sand on-line, and it came with free Chaeto (sp) refugium and two snails. One of the snails never moved for four days and stank. The other has spent the...
  4. seahawkfan

    Is a standard tank possible?

    Thanks for the input guys. My tank came with 2 X 18 Watt bulbs, and a kind of cheap top resting protein skimmer. So the algea magnets really work huh? Thanks again. Jeff
  5. seahawkfan

    Is a standard tank possible?

    Was this just a really stupid question, or did I accidently offend people by it? J.
  6. seahawkfan

    Is a standard tank possible?

    I've noticed when you guys get advanced in the hobby you add lots of things to your tanks. My question is, just starting out can I use my 12 gallon nano( with just the lights and what it came with) and have a succesful tank. I do not have alot of money to invest except slowly over time. In fact...
  7. seahawkfan

    New tank placement

    Thanks for the input. There is plenty of wall, and I have a trued piece of plywood for under the tank. Thanks again, that puts my mind at ease. Time to start. J.
  8. seahawkfan

    New tank placement

    Hi guys, I am new to the world of nano-tanks. I used to have a 125 gallon FO tank so I know how heavy tanks get. I have seen pictures of nano tanks on tables and desks, I want to put my new 12 gallon nano on my pony-wall ( half wall with cabinets underneath). It is constructed like a normal...