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    Hair algea?

    How do i get rid of it?
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    lighting question

    yes i know but this light isnt bright at all.
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    lighting question

    Ok i have this light right now.I want a better bulb for it.what should i get. This is what my light looks like now and i think it isnt bright at all. And this is only temporaly. : : : /
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    does this sound like a good clean up crew for a 30 gal?

    oh how many snails and what kind?and how many hermits and what kind?:help:
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    Sorry Guys

    do chiclids eat plants?:notsure:
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    peperment eating my anemone?

    there was a post about a week ago about a peppermint shrimp eating a bta. You should try a search about it.
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    missing lobster!!

    well thats good to hear.:jumping: :jumping:
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    I won a fish tank!!!!

    yea good luck. I guess the tank i won is something like a b-day gift because in february im turning 16.:happy:
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    Mandarin Question

    yea i know i dont think i am goin to get one.
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    Mandarin Question

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    Mandarin Question

    i dont have one i was just getting an opinion.
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    OT: the gamer world

    Originally posted by Tyr-Sog Anyone play DC here? If so whats your gamer tag and do you have 'All Seeing Eye'? i play dc and bf 1942
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    does this sound like a good clean up crew for a 30 gal?

    Scarlet Hermit Crabs 7 Mexican Turbo Snails or Margarita Snails 13 Dwarf Red Tip Hermit or Dwarf Zebra Hawaiian Hermit 20 Abalone or Redfoot Moon Algae Snails 1 Court Jester Goby or Black Sailfin Blenny 1 Lettuce Caribbean Nudibranch 1 Emerald Mythrax Crab 1
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    I won a fish tank!!!!

    yea i know those wouldn't fit in my house though.
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    Mandarin Question

    yea well its like a 50 50 chance with these fish though.
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    feather duster?

    I think they call them dwarf feather dusters.And if you ever have to add medicine in that tank make sure it is copper free they hate copper alot. HTH
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    I won a fish tank!!!!

    Originally posted by jrpage Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! I won a tv once. Since I got the aquarium though....don't watch it anymore. Enjoy! We'll be looking for pics! RHonda I will have pics when i receive it but it will be like a month before i get it.
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    I won a fish tank!!!!

    Originally posted by aarone I just entered into the contest. I think i will make it a species tank for a mantis...IF i win :thinking: good luck aarone hope you win it.
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    I won a fish tank!!!!

    Originally posted by MR. Tuna ....sweet by the way are you going to make it a reef tank? Yes probably.
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    Hotel Mag-Float

    snails are so strange.