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    When you u do water changes?

    i think one of the reasons it crased is because i put the water in without amquel.
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    When you u do water changes?

    is it like a water dispenser?like a big machine that spits out water?
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    When you u do water changes?

    oh ok well where do u get the water from in the store?
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    When you u do water changes?

    and when i get it i can add it right to the tank right?
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    Does my tank look foggy?

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    When you u do water changes?

    well what is it called?
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    When you u do water changes?

    and where can i get ro water?
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    When you u do water changes?

    well can i buy zephyrhills
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    When you u do water changes?

    is zephyrhills good to use?
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    When you u do water changes?

    well what should i do?:thinking:
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    When you u do water changes?

    could that be y my tank is so foggy or just because i added the sand Tuesday and i have a 12 Gal.
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    When you u do water changes?

    like you know when you do water changes the water that come from the house what do u use to make the water pure.
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    Does my tank look foggy?

    and should i leave my filter on or off
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    When you u do water changes?

    what do u do to get the water with not trites ammonia? I use amquel.
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    Explain where your user name originated

    Asbury is my middle name. Asbury030 is also my s/n so i tried asbury3 because i am a big dale Earnhardt fan but it was already taken so i just came up with 030.:happy:
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    Careful bout them HANDS!

    Originally posted by krishj39 If you are smoker be sure to wash those hands really well before you stick them in your tank. We don't have any concrete proof, but my friend and I think that his tank crashed twice because he didn't do that. Yea my dad is a smoker and he put his hand in there...
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    Does my tank look foggy?

    and also how can i clear it up faster? Would lr help?
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    Does my tank look foggy?

    well its only a 12 gallon:happyfish
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    Does my tank look foggy?

    well how do i clear it up?:notsure:
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    Does my tank look foggy?

    Lights off:thinking: