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    which tang?

    i think the kole is pretty kool.
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    Bad accident!!

    Ok i have a twelve gallon eclipse and i came home friday after school and found my anemone all shriveled up and my urchins spikes were all down and i moved them into my qt tank and they were doin fine then i did a water change and my water got all cloudy so i thought it would clear up in the...
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    ATTN: nicky1.8t

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    What is wrong with my anemone?

    well i just moved him and my urchin and they are fine now.
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    What is wrong with my anemone?

    one more
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    What is wrong with my anemone?

    heres one
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    What is wrong with my anemone?

    i hope that is it.
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    What is wrong with my anemone?

    I come home from school and this is what it looks like can someone help me?:bomb:
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    Post A Pic of Your Whole Aquarium

    oh ok thank u for the info.
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    Bamboo Up-date

    how many gallons should a bamboo be in?
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    Post A Pic of Your Whole Aquarium

    hey kreach that hermit is awesome i want to get one.
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    clowns a lil strange

    where do u guys get all these moving avatars
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    Something gone wrong

    i think it was the cbs because they are know to be pretty agressive.
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    1 more powerhead?

    ok i have a 12 gallon and i want to get a powerhead what kind should i get or i should just not get one?
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    so many types of LR out there!

    oh ok what kind would u recommend?
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    so many types of LR out there!

    is epoxy noticable?
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    so many types of LR out there!

    you can really use epoxy for the lr and it wont mess up the lr?
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    What light should i get for a 29gal?

    oh ok thank u for ur info.
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    so many types of LR out there!

    i have a question also i want to stack my tank with lr what would be some good lr on the bottom so when i stack it it wont tumble over?