Search results

  1. suziesquid

    white barnacle-things

    hEY THanks , shep! I would have posted a pic, but I'm behind in the digital camera technology field. I could take the pic, but then I'm lost as to how to post it. ha ha Anyway, if you could post a pic for me, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for the advice. Do you have any advice for what food to...
  2. suziesquid

    white barnacle-things

    I've noticed several, very small barnacle -looking white things in my tank. I took a shell to my LFS and asked the owner to ID the white -thing, but she couldn't. I haven't noticed any disturbance in the tank, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH are OK. any one know or can guess at what these...
  3. suziesquid

    QT and test kits necessary?

    THANK YOU! :) I learned alot tonight regarding QT and test kits. Thanks to everyone who replied!
  4. suziesquid

    QT and test kits necessary?

    i recently had a fish that acted sick, then suddenly started eating and behaving normal again. Anyway, i posted in the disease and treatment section of the message boards and was told if I was a serious hobbyist then I needed my own test kits and QT tank. So, anyone have a favorite test kit...
  5. suziesquid

    feeding question

    OK,... I have a bicolor blennie and a yellow gobie that have lost their color and dulled. I was feeding flakes and Formula 2, but have recently started feeding only Formula 2 b/c of the color loss. Any suggestions ?
  6. suziesquid

    sick percula

    I didn't do anything and the fish is back to it's normal self! i was going to do a water change, but our family schedule took all of my extra time, so the next thing i know, I'm feeding the fish and the sick percula is eating . It's swimming around as usual. My husband thinks the fish was...
  7. suziesquid

    sick percula

    The water parameters I don't know....I have them done at my LFS, and he didn't tell me the exact numbers. I bought the fish , along with the others in mid-Feb from I've had no problems with any of them. They are not aggressive, and all fish eat. NO other fish have...
  8. suziesquid

    sick percula

    I was told to try posting here for help. I'm sorry if I leave out important info. One of my percula clowns is lying sideways most of the time. It's only other two symptoms of sickness are rapid breathing and not eating. I do not see any spots or lines on it. nO fins are missing or look...
  9. suziesquid

    yellow gobie that's blue now

    I have another question for you fish guys and gals.... I feed flakes and Formula 2 frozen cube food, but my bi-color blennie and yellow gobie are not longer bi-color and yellow.....what gives??????
  10. suziesquid

    sick percula clown

    I need some expert advise.....please. One of my two percula clowns is lying sideways in a shell. There are no signs of aggression, spots or lines of disease. (I'm not the expert when detecting these things, but he/she looks healthy) He/she breathes faster than the other fish, and doesn't...
  11. suziesquid

    how to feed formula 2

    What is Selcon?
  12. suziesquid

    yellow gobie question

    I received a yellow gobie several weeks ago from and it lies behind or on top of a corner rock, but never comes out to eat at feeding time. I assume they don't like to display themselves like clowns, but I'm worried he isn't getting any nutrition. Am I doing anything wrong? Please be...
  13. suziesquid

    how to feed formula 2

    I read someone's post that they recommended feeding formula two (frozen food) to bicolor blennies. I also have 2 percula clowns, royal gramma, yellow gobie, and sixline wrasse in my 55 gal tank. I tried thawing about 1/2 the formula two frozen food cube in seawater, but when I placed the...
  14. suziesquid

    how to decorate

    i am replying to the question regarding my tank size. I have a 55 gallon , and i'm wondering what to use....rock, slate, coral, etc to decorate with . Any more suggestions?
  15. suziesquid

    what fish to buy

    I'm not sure if I'm suppose to reply to your ? regarding my tank size here,.....or do I start a new thread? any way, my tank is 55 gallon. So,...what docile /inexpensive fish do I buy?
  16. suziesquid

    what fish to buy

    I have another question for you, the fish experts. What fish should i buy now, since I've given up my damsels and pseudochromis? This group got too aggressive, so I want more docile fish. I have turbo snails, hermit crabs, and one cleaner shrimp. i was thinking of buying 2 clown percula...
  17. suziesquid

    how to decorate

    Hey! I'm new to this message board and a 6 month old owner to the saltwater aquarium hobby. I need to decorate my tank with more stuff that will give me height! and hiding places! I currently have 2 lava rocks, 2 live rocks and lots of seashells. I want the natural look with out plants. Any...