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  1. zanoshanox

    Acropora questions

    thanks for all of the quick responses murph.
  2. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

    I'm working on it....the tank actually looks awesome right now...trying to get my camera broke a while back. But the tank looks greta now, i have approximately 8-10 SPS, some new brains, new zoas and a couple purple montis. I'll try to get some pics up in the next couple of days.
  3. zanoshanox

    Acropora questions

    Well I have a job at my LFS, and I have just recently been given the priveledge to go down to the wholesalers and pick corals/fish myslef....and I'm noticing that they all look good (never buy any with dead tissue or polyps that arent fully extended) no visual signs at the time of the...
  4. zanoshanox

    barry bonds is at 740 now

    his swing has always been the same.....only difference is: 35 home runs and 73
  5. zanoshanox

    Finally First Fish....PICS>>>

    not too shabby.
  6. zanoshanox

    Update on my nano

    solid start.
  7. zanoshanox

    barry bonds is at 740 now

    bonds has no class whatsoever, a tremendous talent, but he has never been loved by the fans. He is arrogant, and even though he will break the record no doubt, i think his steroid use should take a lot fo the flare off of the record....we all knwo hammerin' hank wasnt on the juice. His home...
  8. zanoshanox

    Anemone unhappy..silverside too large?

    dont feed silversides...the fish have bones and that is sometimes difficult for the anemone to digest... try frozen cubes, such as krill, or squid...pretty much anything meaty without bones would be awesome.
  9. zanoshanox

    Acropora questions

    Are the causes of RTN known?
  10. zanoshanox

    SPS Tanks w/ Leathers

    i know that murph has a huge yellow figi leather in his 180 thats filled with SPS... I've just got a couple leathers including fingers and toadstools in with my acros and montis in a pretty SPS dominated tank.
  11. zanoshanox

    Acropora questions

    man...that sucks....i had a couple 6' acros that it ate up within 2 or three days...
  12. zanoshanox

    Acropora questions

  13. zanoshanox

    20 long

    20 longs are flippin awesome. heres mine:
  14. zanoshanox

    Acropora questions

    Thanks for the expert information Murph, can the lost tissue grow back? or it is completely dead skeleton?
  15. zanoshanox

    Acropora questions

  16. zanoshanox

    Acropora questions

    yeah definitely, and with parameters, my trates are like 10. But havent been existent for even a week. Can they heal from this?
  17. zanoshanox

    Acropora questions

    i'll try to get the pics up as soon as i can....can't find batteries for the camera. lol, i've got pics of a couple of them before the RTN started killin them...i have 2x150 Mh and two sieo 1100's and a mag 7 for return
  18. zanoshanox

    Acropora questions

    hey guys, I have started trying some acro frags with my new 65...I'm wondering....some of them aren't looking so good, while some are looking far better than when i picked em up. What does it mean when the color literally like peals off of them...and then it's just a clear/white skeleton where...
  19. zanoshanox

    2 new SPS :)

    sweet frags!
  20. zanoshanox

    Lets see those massive toadstools!!

    yes, they will grow rapidly under Pcs