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  1. zanoshanox

    shot of my ever growing acro forrest

    murph tank looks awesome, as always
  2. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

    yeah so far....i think he might have taken out one of my cleaner shrimps, is that typical?
  3. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

    going down to the wholesalers this friday and just bought the new halide so it should be arriving soon so the tank will finally be up and going, hopefully i'll find some cool SPS on friday ;D
  4. zanoshanox

    WTB: metal halides

  5. zanoshanox

    Do I Look Normal????help

    ya it looks fine, anemones inflate and deflate as well as contract themselves as part of their digestion process. What kind of lighting do you have?
  6. zanoshanox

    20L Frag Tank! Need Light! what one????

    You shouldnt care about color or fish if its going to be a frag tank. Just get intense lighting so that you can grow things, not only keep them alive.
  7. zanoshanox

    BTA on it's side, upside down etc.

    Yeah, thats a problem. Is his foot actually attatched? Or is he just floating around the tank?
  8. zanoshanox

    What do you keep with PC lights

    Agreed^ the Crocea will maybe last 6 months max, but will start to deteriorate if not given proper lighting.
  9. zanoshanox

    Steveos New Bio Cube !

    Its just because the second set tends to be more desirable cause of the polyp extension probably. I like the first, IMO, but every hobbyist is different.
  10. zanoshanox

    some random pics

    very nice specamins.
  11. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

    Thanks! He's been great, eating good, very healthy, ws timid at first but now very social!
  12. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

    3 more
  13. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

    i got the clowns like 3 months apart and the anemone was added about 8 months after i got the first clown. At first the larger clown was territorial over it and wouldn't let the other one near it but now they host it together. They're a pair ;)
  14. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

  15. zanoshanox

    65g reef journal

    Just set this up about a month ago, been taking it slow but i got all of the corals from my old 20 g back in there and its looking pretty good.
  16. zanoshanox

    Upgrade project: 20--->65 mega flow

    wow, cell phone pics look awful,i'll let the camera charge and put some more up in a minute
  17. zanoshanox

    Upgrade project: 20--->65 mega flow

    updated pics, borrowed one of the hang on fixtures from work until my lights come.
  18. zanoshanox

    Could I get a Yellow Tang for my 29G?

    lights are on way too long, what type of lighting do you have? try running then from like 11-6.
  19. zanoshanox

    Acro Progress

    Well i'm making my first attempt with SPS, as i upgraded to a 65 w/ halides. i have been doing LPS/softies for about 2 years. I got this guy for ten bucks, about 3' tall, completely browned out, and after two and a half weeks its getting some REALLY NICE blue color. What do you guys think...
  20. zanoshanox


    Nice coral