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  1. detguy313

    Zoas, Zoas, and Zoas!!

    that is in my 90gal i have 2 150w 14k hqi and 2 96w actincs compacts..i keep most of my zoas in high flow..i have a cheap dyi skimmer..and about 100lbs of live rock and a 55gal fuge that i keep cheto and other algae in..dsb in the fuge and about 2" in the display..i run a phos reactor when...
  2. detguy313

    Best Small Wrasse?

    i would go with a smaller fairy or one of the flasher wrasses..sixlines are cool but won't mix well with other wrasses..also possum wrasses are really cool and get along with others
  3. detguy313

    What do you guys use to dip new zoos in?

    i use fresh water (ro) and lugols about 10 drops per gallon..i dip in three gallons and never lost a one using this
  4. detguy313

    Blastomussa Wellsi

    those are the same in every pic...they are a purple/blue and green welsi...i got a frag of 4 polyps last year..last count i had about 16 polyps...and i had fraged this once in half...they just grow so slow though
  5. detguy313

    Blastomussa Wellsi

    that is just them some of the fringes did that.i had one that dropped of and started a new bud at the store i got these at his did the same thing both of our frags came from the same colony
  6. detguy313

    Blastomussa Wellsi

    they are not a hard coral to keep but some have problems..they like lower flow and low-med light..i keep mine on the sand bed in real low flow..i also think feeding them once or twice a week really helps out and as with most corals everything needs to be stable..but it seem like if there is a...
  7. detguy313

    Multiplying question..

    this depends alot on your tank..what might grow for one might not grow well in another tank..but you have to be patient the only thing that happens quick in a tank is a bad problem..some polyps are very slow growers and there alot of factors like lighting, flow, and nutrients that can determine...
  8. detguy313

    Pics of my fish

    Originally Posted by Kevin34 ever think about getting a mystery wrasse? i have looked at them but just never got lfs has one in right now that has the best color of one i have ever seen..i might get it this next week just not sure yet
  9. detguy313

    Pics of Blue Zoas/Palys

    there is a thread already like this one that has a bunch of pics of blues in it..might have better luck of seeing them there
  10. detguy313

    Pics of my fish

    couple more pics
  11. detguy313

    Lubbock's fairy wrasse

    for all of you that thought this fish is cool...check out the color change when displaying and this was not the best...he can change color to where his fins are bright blue/white and his body turns all red
  12. detguy313

    New flasher wrasse..i think it is a hybrid

    i got a pic of the hybrid flashing was at the tail end so the color is not as bright as it was but whoa...sweet sweet colors
  13. detguy313

    Pics of my fish

    clown you got a pm
  14. detguy313

    Pics of my fish

    Originally Posted by Clown4Life Very nice and colorful fish. A good collection. Are those red micromusas? yes they are and they grow like crazy..i got to were i don't spot feed them as much..i have quite a bit of them now
  15. detguy313

    Pics of my fish

    the first two pics are of new fish that i just got the past two weeks this is the other new one this is a cool pic of my lineatus chowing on some nori
  16. detguy313

    New flasher wrasse..i think it is a hybrid

    this flasher has really flashed some cool color..i also picked up a yellow fin flasher that is a female that i think is changing --- into a male this is the new one that i am pretty sure is a female..or one changing inot a male
  17. detguy313

    Finally my new mandarin

    a couple new pics she is still doing great
  18. detguy313

    Pictures of your Lps eating

    Originally Posted by Mr_X those damn nassarius snails! got to fend those dang things off all the time..good to have though..i had a couple that just would not stay off my chalice last night after feeding..but they are quick to get anything makes it to the sand
  19. detguy313

    Pictures of your Lps eating

    great pics everyone lets keep them coming
  20. detguy313


    a larger pic would be nice