Id take a lab or just about any large breed over a lap dog, all of them (lap dogs) I encounter seem to have to make up for something with attitude, or bladder control issues.
I am a veteran of the Air Force (2000-2004), I got my associates while I was in could have gotten more if I had put my mind to it. Engineering is a very broad range of careers, from Firefighting (what I do) and bomb technicians to plumbers construction workers and engineers. if you are looking...
I need to sell my house first, then get somemore land before my wife will let me. So If you know of anyone looking for 10 acres and a 30ish year old house let me know.
Tap water or Reverse osmosis? it's probably the phosphates, or how old are your lights? I had bad hair algae then I started using a phosphate sponge. and if not already doing it RO water.