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  1. jmj6239

    Septic Tanks & Water Wells

    I think it is a lack of flouride in well water, they add it in, in most cities. the level depends on where you live.
  2. jmj6239

    What is it about Labbies?

    Id take a lab or just about any large breed over a lap dog, all of them (lap dogs) I encounter seem to have to make up for something with attitude, or bladder control issues.
  3. jmj6239

    Anyone join the Air Force to go to college?

    I am a veteran of the Air Force (2000-2004), I got my associates while I was in could have gotten more if I had put my mind to it. Engineering is a very broad range of careers, from Firefighting (what I do) and bomb technicians to plumbers construction workers and engineers. if you are looking...
  4. jmj6239

    Fish or Corals

    Corals but id have to have a fish or two
  5. jmj6239

    FS ^^^ 120g with...

    I need to sell my house first, then get somemore land before my wife will let me. So If you know of anyone looking for 10 acres and a 30ish year old house let me know.
  6. jmj6239

    Kenya tree or not??

    have you tried moving it around in the tank, increased it's flow or lighting? what ever it is it doesn't seem happy.
  7. jmj6239

    oregon coast stafish

    Ochre sea star/Pisaster ochraceus is one I always saw as a kid. hopefully the name matches the picture
  8. jmj6239

    I dont know what is this in my LR

    they will spread, if you try to remove them be careful they are sharp and will puncture your skin.
  9. jmj6239

    Limpet snails

    smell it youll know if it is dead
  10. jmj6239

    Beautiful Hair Algae, seriously!

    good luck finding one, best figure out whats causing it
  11. jmj6239

    Help Green Algae

    otherwise try a phosphate sponge, seachem and kent are ones I have tried, it is bead form and used the same way as Carbon, add to your filters.
  12. jmj6239

    Copperband Vs Raccoon

    most butterflies are a chance, I'd like to know also?
  13. jmj6239

    New tank

    personally I didn't add a coral for several months, at a minimum, wait till all levels have stabilized, then wait some more.
  14. jmj6239

    Beautiful Hair Algae, seriously!

    give it a while if you do nothing it will take over.
  15. jmj6239

    Think I Realized What the Deal is.

    for monti's your lighting should be fine, I have mine under 175s, how old are your bulbs???
  16. jmj6239

    Rid of Mushroom corals in crtain areas

    trade them on here for new rock.
  17. jmj6239

    Help Green Algae

    Tap water or Reverse osmosis? it's probably the phosphates, or how old are your lights? I had bad hair algae then I started using a phosphate sponge. and if not already doing it RO water.
  18. jmj6239

    placement for my new corals

    I use a 14K bulb the acro I'd place higher once it acclimates, but I'm not the peron to ask about zoas I have bad luck with them.
  19. jmj6239

    ID this please.

    It looks like sponge to me, is it porous? if it is then it is a sponge.