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  1. tropills

    135 gallon tank includes everything $200

    you have PM
  2. tropills

    135 gallon tank includes everything $200

    I'm pretty sure it's a perfecto tank from what I could tell the other day. toss me a price and I'll see if the wife will let me get another tank. if I do it will make 5, 6 footers and 1 ,8 footer , and 7 other tanks setup. for my grand total 13 saltwater tanks......
  3. tropills

    Anybody Have Pics Of Diy Sterlite/rubbermaid Sump!?

    Originally Posted by SpiderWoman You'd be surprised how many large tank owners use Rubbermaid as part of their sump system. yep , this is on my 8 foot 180, 2 40 gallon sterlite tubs
  4. tropills

    Anybody Have Pics Of Diy Sterlite/rubbermaid Sump!?

    here you go. any questions feel free to ask....
  5. tropills


    Originally Posted by bkvreef Tropills, is your stand toungue and groove or are the seperate 1 x ? Mine are seperate. Is your canopy seperate, or toungue and groove. I don't have the set-up any longer, if I can recall they were seperate. the canopy I made was also seperate, the local lumber...
  6. tropills

    Skimmer Height Question

    the lower it is the wetter the skim-mate, the higher it is the dryer, it all depends if you feed a lot then wet skimming could be good, dry skimming is kinda for low nutrient tanks with not many fish. IMO
  7. tropills

    Upgrading from 2 nanos to a 72

    your base rock will not cause a cycle, the sand you are going to use is it from a tank ?? if so it shouldn't cycle that bad if at all, if you use all your water and top off with fresh salt water, also you can use some of your existing sand to also help with getting necessary bacteria in the new...
  8. tropills

    live rock and a few fish left in syracuse, ny

    Here's a bump for you, unless you want to take my wifes low ball offer. let me know
  9. tropills


    good luck with your sale.
  10. tropills

    double sump

    go slow and cool with a lot of water
  11. tropills


    $60 for a filter plate ??? don't get me wrong but sounds kinda steep.. they are $40 new ....
  12. tropills

    Fission Recirc. Skimmer?

    I have one and LOVE it, nice thick dry foam when you want it or tweak it a tad and skim wet, for the money it's a heck of a skimmer.
  13. tropills

    Heater In Sump?

    Originally Posted by JDL check valve ftw you are a brave sole relying on the check valve, all things can and will at some point fail, just to be on the safe side try it with out the valve and see what happens, hope you have a bunch of towels and a shop vac, my 125 that I have set -up...
  14. tropills


    Originally Posted by bkvreef GREAT! Thanks that's exactly what I was looking for!!! Do you happen to have any pictures of it inside (without the lights on). I have p.c. and t-5's so my canopy will be shorter, but still I like the looks of it. sorry I don't have any pic's left,, the perfecto...
  15. tropills

    Lighting for 125g

    open top, or canopy ??? what do you want to keep?? LPS,SPS,Softies ??? If you have no limit on cash, the new LED Solaris are a great light, but for the basic reefer , halides will keep anything you may want for a reasonable price. watts per gallon are pretty much a thing of the past, it's pretty...
  16. tropills


    here's the canopy I built for my perfecto 125 that I know longer have. it had for lighting 4 400watt halides under spider reflectors and 2 72" vho actinics powered by a icecap 660. the stain I made up was honey pine ,golden oak mixed aprox. 50/50 satin finish
  17. tropills

    NOT SURE WHERE TO POST THIS: pic's of a canopy with retro medal halides

    have the moderators move this thread to the DIY, equipment , lighting post area. I built one a few years ago but don't have any pic's any longer. do a search for threads containing the topic your looking for.
  18. tropills

    Heater In Sump?

    Originally Posted by macchicks stupid question from me.... 125 tank 30 sump do you buy the heater for the sump size or combine both to get the right size. 2 @ 300 watt will be perfect , as to answer your question mainly just to heat the main tank you really don't have much water in a 30...
  19. tropills

    post you puffer pics!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 You can, but the corals probably won't survive. Puffers are like dogs during their I'ma puppy I want to chew on everything phase. They chew on everything. IMO this is un-true, I have had a large porcupine in my reef tank for several years, He is now over 11...
  20. tropills

    Quarantine tank

    yep, don't forget the heater.