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  1. nickelld

    whats wrong with the feather?

    ph is 8.2, calcium is 300-315, ammonia 0, nitrate 10. I've had the duster about 2 months and feed phyto about 1 to 2 times a week
  2. nickelld

    whats wrong with the feather?

    I have a feather duster and I've noticed in the last week or two that the white shaft is loosing the white or tan coloring and is becoming translucent to the point that you can see the worm inside. Anyone know what's wrong with my feather duster?
  3. nickelld

    which lights?

    My tank is 18 inches high
  4. nickelld

    which lights?

    I have a 75 gal. and want to get a bulb anemone. I now have a 50/50 fixture and am thinking about buying either a satellite compact fixture or coralife lunar aqualight fixture. I have heard that the jebo isn't worth buying. would these 4x65watt fixtures be sufficient for a bulb anemone?, or...
  5. nickelld

    damsel loosing color?

    specific gravity is 1.024, nitrates 20ppm, ammonia 0, ph 8.4 The tank has been set up in my home for 1.5 months, but I moved the tank from where I bought it at where It was set up and had been running for about a year, and moved about 75 percent of the water plus live sand and 70 lbs. of live...
  6. nickelld

    damsel loosing color?

    I have a yellow tail blue damsel and he all of a sudden lost his deep blue color and now looks like a ghost. What's wrong. Please help
  7. nickelld


    I have a 75 gallon tank with 50/50 lights 65 watts apiece (2). I want to get a bulb anemone. Do I have enough light, if not how much do I need?
  8. nickelld


    I have a 75 gallon with 50/50 lights 65 watts apiece. I want to get a bulb anemone. Are my lights enough or not. If not, how much do I need?
  9. nickelld


    I have a 75 gallon tank with 50/50 lights (65 watts apiece) (2bulbs). I would like to get a bulb anemone. On it says moderate to high light. Would my lighting be enough or would I need more. If more, how much?? Help appreciated David
  10. nickelld

    Ro ??

    I have tested my tap water and found it to be very low in phosphates. Aside from phosphates, what are the other factors to look at when considering whether or not to use a RO unit. Advice appreciated David
  11. nickelld

    turboflotor multi SL overflow!!!

    Is there a modification I could do to get the pump closer to the water line?
  12. nickelld

    turboflotor multi SL overflow!!!

    Thanks for the info, but I don't know if we have the same problem. My collection cup fills up within 30s or 1min if I plug it in from so much wet foam. I have my pump as close to the surface as I can get it, which is still 3 inches or so from the surface. I have mine hanging on the tank as I...
  13. nickelld

    turboflotor multi SL overflow!!!

    I just bought a turboflotor multi sl, and when I plug it in the collection cup fills in about 30 seconds. The manual said that if there was a problem with too much wet foam to reduce the length of the hose between the pump and the skimmer which is already as short as I can make it. Adjusting...