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  1. blennyluv

    mandarins info needed plz

    as much live rock as you can house, and set up another tank and raise pods. a place called Ocean Pods will sell you bottles of them. takes about 3 weeks and suddenly your tank is crawling with them, keep lots of live rock in your pod tank and keep switching out your rock. so far it is working...
  2. blennyluv

    melefix and copods

    Hi beth its made from tea tree extract and is made by aquarium pharmacueticals. but i was really leery of that and this is why i have decided to just try a little garlic in the food. it seems to be tang has also had a spell of white spots and seems to be about done with them (stress...
  3. blennyluv

    melefix and copods

    Hi i have a fish with a little parasite problem. found some medication that says it is all natural made from the tea tree extract. says it is completely reef safe. but will it hurt my pods????? they are really getting abundant, would not want to have to start over?? its called MelaFix anyone...
  4. blennyluv


    HI i bought a female mandarin that was starving from the lfs here in my town, but the male i have was being really mean to her. so i put her in my 5 gallon pod tank to fatten her up. any ideas how to introduce them when the time is right? she is soooo skinny, i am thinking she just was not...
  5. blennyluv

    Help me stock my new Christmas gift!!

    a midas blenny would be fun
  6. blennyluv

    saving tatoo (our mandarin)

    r.meng got the female, lots of pods now how are they suppose to act??? all flared up?? let me know
  7. blennyluv

    Fish gods answer my question please!

    hi i didn't even know that clowns would host a fake anemone, mine does, and the only one else allowed in is the little yellow clown goby. the fake ones are kind a funny looking but i think the clown will like it eventually. much easier to care for than a real one too. ha ha. sounds like your...
  8. blennyluv

    what would these guys like to eat??

    hi, i have a 55 gallon tank with lots of snails and hermits, a lawnmower blenny, a bicolor blenny and a blue tang, all of which are tremendous algae eaters,( i also have a clown a mandarin, a 3 spot damsel and a blue velvet) after the tank got really clean, i put a vegetable clip in the tank...
  9. blennyluv

    saving tatoo (our mandarin) just email her
  10. blennyluv

    saving tatoo (our mandarin)

    i have one of those little black boxes that are called shrimp hatcherys, my pods have not arrived, and are very late, i will be out of town tomorrow, hope fed ex will leave them in the door, if they are dead when they get here they will replace them, so just in case i started the shrimp back up...
  11. blennyluv

    saving tatoo (our mandarin)

    never thought of it, could be fun, tatoo doesn't have a girlfriend, do you think i should save her???? i tried to send you my email address but this sight won't let me, so lets see if you can figure this out, it is (almonds at midrivers dot com) hows that?? how do you get a club started?? i was...
  12. blennyluv

    saving tatoo (our mandarin)

    tatoo is definitly male. and the one at the lfs is definitly female. i keep asking her why she is getting them in and telling her all the stuff they need to eat, and she just cares about making money i think, they have been trying to sell it (the store) so maybe thats why, her husband knows...
  13. blennyluv

    saving tatoo (our mandarin)

    hi, thanks for the info. i would be rescueing this little girl too, but i don't think i will. sad she keeps getting them in and noone in this little one horse town knows anythig about them, she tells them if they have live rock they will live. sucked me right in, that and the fact this is the...
  14. blennyluv

    saving tatoo (our mandarin)

    Hi all just to let you know that there is a place you can buy live pods in a bottle, its no links allowed . i was thrilled when i was informed of this sight, so i have a bottle coming, i am to pour half in the tank so tatoo can have his firs good meal in a month, and half in my quarentine tank...
  15. blennyluv

    what is this?? (some kind of algae)

    ripped it out by the root, well, most of it. its the only place my fish didn't clean the rock to the very bone, how do you mean nasty?? hard to kill??
  16. blennyluv

    what is this?? (some kind of algae)

    dacia i see you have a five gallon, i do too, is it a quarentine or do you actually have stuff in it. i have two damsels in mine cycling it, but i was told it was too small. they seem to be fine and it is kinda fun. so just wondering
  17. blennyluv

    what is this?? (some kind of algae)

    hi, nitrates a little high, about 20, don't know the others. have an emerald, he was eating it the other day, have a lawnmower and bicolor blenny, a blue tang, lots of turbos and hermits. every other bit of hair algae was eaten, thats why i was wondering why they didnt eat this. i have no corals...
  18. blennyluv

    what is this?? (some kind of algae)

    HI just wondering what the heck this is, i am sure it is some kind of algae, but it is the only patch my fish have not devoured. it is growing really nicely, but i just can't figure out why noone has eaten it. anyone know what it is or if it is harmful???
  19. blennyluv


    so, i love to hear about everyones tanks, what else have you got? live rock? kind of corals if any? brag it up!!
  20. blennyluv


    my family thinks he looks a little prehistoric also. the bi color blenny is a bit eel like, hides in holes, but will come out when you sit by the tank, he gets less shy all the time.