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  1. asharp13

    My 55 Gallon Thread

    looks good!! cant wait to do a build like that myself...i just need a bigger house hahahaha
  2. asharp13

    LED Blue/UV Moonlight Mod...Tutorial needs Help!!!!

    what if the forward voltage(3.6)* the number of LEDs(4) is greater than the supply voltage? you would get a (-) resistor value. what does that mean? that its not possible??
  3. asharp13

    LED Blue/UV Moonlight Mod...Tutorial needs Help!!!!

    sax, im am beginning to understand this stuff...honestly its awesome but i firmly believe that the only stupid question is the one that you dont i have to ask: why 4.5v? is it cuz the 3v setting is not enough to power the LED's and 4.5v is the next one up? and u want to pump at least...
  4. asharp13

    LED Blue/UV Moonlight Mod...Tutorial needs Help!!!!

    great thanks for the help!! that diagram is exactly what i was looking for. i want to do 1 power supply cuz the BLUE LED's will be left on all day and the UV's just for a couple minutes at a time just for effect. how do u calculate the resisotor? do u use a website or something? what values...
  5. asharp13

    Major Brown Algae problem

    gotta use good water dude. once i stopped using tap, my problems really cleared up. also, while your tap water may have been ok, things change, treatment facilities equiptment gets old, and you cant really trust what is comming through your pipes ya kno
  6. asharp13

    LED Blue/UV Moonlight Mod...Tutorial needs Help!!!!

    oh and thanks for the help it is much appreciated!!! idk what i would do with out this forum!!!!
  7. asharp13

    LED Blue/UV Moonlight Mod...Tutorial needs Help!!!!

    i was thinking of doing that for both sets, attaching a swith between power supply and the resistor, and soddering both seperate circuits to the single power supply outlet. do i have the right idea? how do i figure out what to set the supply voltage to? what resistor i need on each circuit...
  8. asharp13

    LED Blue/UV Moonlight Mod...Tutorial needs Help!!!!

    is this a parellel circuit?
  9. asharp13

    LED Blue/UV Moonlight Mod...Tutorial needs Help!!!!

    Originally Posted by SCSInet I'm going to derate by about 20% because likely, the LEDs will not last long being driven at these values, as these are "absolute maximum ratings." I am also assumuing a 12 volt power supply For a single LED: Blue LED: 25ma current @ 3.6v fv = 330 ohm, 1 watt...
  10. asharp13

    LED Blue/UV Moonlight Mod...Tutorial needs Help!!!!

    Hi, Recently my moonlights in my 24gal Aquapod crapped out on me. I have been toying with the idea of moding my own LED system and integrating it into the hood. I want to add two blue(470nm) LED's and two UV(361nm) LED's to my hood on two separate circuits with separate switches to be able to...
  11. asharp13

    My 55 Gallon Thread

    AGREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! preperation is absolutely everything. take your time and do it right the first yourself some hedaches down the road! cant wait to see what you do!!!
  12. asharp13

    UV LED Moonlights. Good or Bad idea?

    ive been toying with the idea of modding a couple UV LEDs to my hood...around 350-400nm. i wouldnt have these on all the time just during a party or something like that or just every once in a while for my own personal viewing pleasure. what negative side effects could come from attempting...
  13. asharp13

    Major Brown Algae problem

    you can feed less. i had the same problem when i was feeding pellets and realized pieces were falling to the bottom of the tank. i switched to flake food and the problem subsided within weeks. id also try killing your lights for a day or two, followed by a big water change while sucking most...
  14. asharp13

    My 55 Gallon Thread

    im sure you have thought about all this but when will you add the water? is it possible to add the water without the sand or rock and get your cycle started? oh and $100 is a STEAL!!!!!!!!!!! cant waith to see what you do with it!!
  15. asharp13

    New Fish Died...Precautionary Measures??

    k great thanks. ill do some more searching for this guy tonight and maybe a water change will invite him to come out but ill check back in tonight with my findings.....thx bang
  16. asharp13

    New Fish Died...Precautionary Measures??

    will my fireshrimp clean this guy up too? that'd be great cuz hes always hungry
  17. asharp13

    New Fish Died...Precautionary Measures??

    awesome thanks. should i try to add some more live rock to help with filtration for the mean time?
  18. asharp13

    What are these?

    +1 on new heads. my duncan has recently popped out 2 new heads and when they were comming in, the main stalk really gave a lot of energy to it. opening and closing all the time. i thought it was dieing personally but a couple weeks later my single headed duncan became 3. id say keep your eye...
  19. asharp13

    New Fish Died...Precautionary Measures??

    So i just added a new green clown goby to my 24gal aquapod. sadly i was in kind of a fog that day and didnt take enough time to acclimate him. i dropped him in the tank he swam back into the rockwork and i havent seen a glimmer of him since then...that was 3 days ago. i have a funny feeling...
  20. asharp13

    How often do you test your water????

    good point and i do test quite often. with small tanks like mine changes happen very rapidly...for instance my pH could be 8.2 one day and 7.8 the next. i have it balanced now and my tank is looking great but i was just saying that monitoring and examining your tank should also be considered a...