New Fish Died...Precautionary Measures??


So i just added a new green clown goby to my 24gal aquapod. sadly i was in kind of a fog that day and didnt take enough time to acclimate him. i dropped him in the tank he swam back into the rockwork and i havent seen a glimmer of him since then...that was 3 days ago. i have a funny feeling he didnt make it.
i cant find or see him and i can only move a couple rocks with out really messing up my scape. what should i do to prevent this little guy from breaking down and really throwing my cycle for a loop? i am worried only becasue my tank is so small and even a little fish like this could really mess stuff up. i plan on doing a a 20% water change today and do a little more searching for the guy tonight, but is there anything else i should do?

bang guy

If you have live rock then you probably also have bristleworms. They'll clean up the carcass of a dead fish and prevent the tank from crashing.

bang guy

No. If you want live rock that's fine but I wouldn't add it for a short term boost of filtration, it doesn't work that quickly.
I'm not yet convinced your fish is dead. I have my fingers crossed for you.


k great thanks. ill do some more searching for this guy tonight and maybe a water change will invite him to come out but ill check back in tonight with my findings.....thx bang


I have the exact same kind of goby. I can see him but honestly if you have a fairly decent sized tank with lots of rock. He will blend. Mine does not swim around it just perches and blends in really well. Even feeding it you will rarely see it go for the food until its Right near it. So most likely if its only been a few days he's probably in a hole or under a live rock somewhere hanging out.
also these guys can squeeze into little folds in the rock and hide. Goby's are real hiders. My flame tail goby hides REALLY well but is always right in front of me.


good news!!!!! i found the little guy. i did a little rescaping yesterday and there he was, huddled right where i expected to find his dead body, but he was movin around like a champ!!! is there any way of inticing this guy out into the front half of the tank so i can see and enjoy his existance? special food or something?

bang guy

Originally Posted by asharp13
good news!!!!! i found the little guy. i did a little rescaping yesterday and there he was, huddled right where i expected to find his dead body, but he was movin around like a champ!!! is there any way of inticing this guy out into the front half of the tank so i can see and enjoy his existance? special food or something?
Just time. Before long he will come out to greet you and stick himself to the glass.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Just time. Before long he will come out to greet you and stick himself to the glass.

I loved my little green clown goby! I was so mad when he died (care of an rogue diamond goby). He was so shy at first and I barely saw him (thought he took a ride through the filter) and then I started to see him more and more. Once he realizes that nothing is a threat to him in the tank, he'll start coming out more. They're not really swimmers though, if that's what you're looking for. You'll just find him perched in different random spots in your tank throughout the day.


awesome thx... ill give him some time and let him make his own moves. i just hope he wont get picked on when he decides to come out!