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  1. tirtza

    I need 2 ID's: what type of mushroom is this & and what type of zoa is this?

    Quote: Dang,........ not that type of shroom! hahaha......I'd share if it was :) So do does everyone agree that it's apstasia? It's the little round thing surrounded by the bubble algae. Here are some more pics of the mushrooms....
  2. tirtza

    I need 2 ID's: what type of mushroom is this & and what type of zoa is this?

    Anyone have any idea what type of mushrooms these are? This little zoa just showed up on this rock, it's the only one and it's not to healthy looking....any idea what it might be or might have been??
  3. tirtza

    Tirtza's Tank

    New mushrooms! I'm not sure what kind they are though??? I've had my eye on this rock for over a month now. I love the mushrooms and coralline algae on it. My mother in-law was visiting and I happened to bring her with me to pick up some RO water at my LFS. She's never been to one before so of...
  4. tirtza

    Tirtza's Tank

    Thanks! :)
  5. tirtza

    Is there such a thing as a 'black' Midas Blenny?

    I have no idea what the guy is thinking of...... I just want the Midas Blenny that I've been reading about. Thanks to TommieLynn I have an excellent description to use in order to ensure I'm that I'm getting what I'm supposed to :) Quote: Canary blennies usually have a more pointed head than...
  6. tirtza

    Your Best Aquarium Stories Featured Monthly!

    awww, that's so sad :( I feel bad for the lady too, she probably felt so guilty about it.
  7. tirtza

    Is there such a thing as a 'black' Midas Blenny?

    Thanks for the information! So the 'fanged Blennies' have venom? It couldn't hurt people could it? What about my clown fish....could it potentially hurt them? I've had my QT up and running for a couple of weeks. Lately I've just been waiting and looking for that Midas Blenny.
  8. tirtza

    Tirtza's Tank

    I'm confused, I thought you still had your 29 gallon BC? Also, what is that really cool fish you have in this picture and how do you find those barnacle looking things?
  9. tirtza

    How should I feed my filter feeders?

    So the timer turned the lights off in the aquarium, and I just fed some cyclops to my Candy Cane coral (it's little tentacles were out) -I sucked up a little tank water in a turkey baster -defrosted 1/2 a cube of cyclops in the turkey baster/water -turned off the skimmer -squirted the Candy...
  10. tirtza

    Tirtza's Tank

    Great minds think alike!
  11. tirtza

    How should I feed my filter feeders?

    Have you seen the commercial about saving money.... the dad is sitting at a table eating sushi w/chopsticks and the daughter comes in holding her fish bowl and asks if he's seen her missing gold
  12. tirtza

    Tirtza's Tank

    No I haven't seen your seahorse thread, but I'd love to! I want to learn all I can, so that one day (maybe in a couple of years?) I can upgrade to a really huge tank and then turn my BioCube into a seahorse tank. I'd love to see your thread. Can you please send me a link? Thanks!
  13. tirtza

    How should I feed my filter feeders?

    ewwwww......I wonder if that's real sushi being served to people?! I can see the eyes and everything! I love sushi and I'll eat just about anything, but not if I can see its' face. Yuck!
  14. tirtza

    I found a way to occupy my doggie

    What a beautiful dog, she looks super smart too. If you'd like to keep her busy and really challenge her, there are some great puzzels for dogs on the market. I read about some doggy puzzles made by Nina Ottosson in this article They sell some of the...
  15. tirtza

    Tirtza's Tank

    Thanks Gemmy! I'm ridiculously addicted to this hobby. I've seen threads where people make much more progress in 8 months.....but I'm taking it really slow both for $$ reasons & because I'm trying to avoid as many mistakes as possible. The smartest thing I ever did was find this website and use...
  16. tirtza

    How should I feed my filter feeders?

    Sounds delicious! Yum...seafood! lol
  17. tirtza

    How should I feed my filter feeders?

    Quote: well, no not the cyno. Lol Let's hope the cyano is really really unhappy. That stuff is so annoying! Quote: Have you ever thought about making your own fish food? I've definitely thought about it....but for right now since I only have 3 small fish it's probably not worth the work and will...
  18. tirtza

    How should I feed my filter feeders?

    Thanks, I really like your method. I appreciate how much easier it is! I always make enough food to last 3 days. My fish are going to be so much happier too.
  19. tirtza

    Tirtza's Tank

    Sounds good, I'll move the Kenya trees away from the rock work (more towards the front of the aquarium). I'd love it if these things grew! I'm glad you told me how they propogate, I was wondering how that happens. Is it okay if they're near each other, or should I keep them far apart?
  20. tirtza

    How should I feed my filter feeders?

    I'm still having a cyano problem (I feel like I shouldn't see any at all, is that right?). It pops up again in very light amounts the day after I remove it. Like everyone has suggested, I won't rinse the cyclops, I'll just dissolve the cube of cyclops in a turkey baster before I squirt it near...