Tirtza's Tank


This is long over due....I finally decided to keep a little online diary of my dive into the saltwater aquarium hobby. I'll just start with some photos from the very beginning (8 months ago) to today. Hopefully I'm able to show some progress

1st filling it up....the sand storm 1st big mistake, cycling with Damsels....oops

The big hair algae outbreak...
Hair Algae starting to come under control & Damsels returned to LFS


Next big mistake...added a Lawn Mower Blenny to a 4 wk old tank
.....then a couple of weeks later added 2 Clowns. Another huge mistake, none of them were put in a QT first, yikes! I just got lucky that they weren't sick.


Addition of more CUC,

>Added a Fire Fish.....no QT...luckily her & Clown fish are still doing great!


Added a Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

Unfortunately my Lawn Mower Blenny died, probably from starvation
...he's been my only fish casualty...


Not to much changed....



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Yeah....my first coral! I added a Kenya Tree, a mushroom, and some Candy Cane

i only dipped it and didn't QT it...so far it's still looking great and I haven't seen any pests so I guess I got lucky again. Even though I didn't have any problems from not having a QT, I certainly won't take those risks anymore.


Finally created a QT...its about time!


Rearranged the rocks, and then added a really beautiful Feather Duster (I never thought I'd like worms, but this one is pretty cool)

Feather Duster Candy Cane seems to be growing, I think?

Kenya Trees seem to be growing too...I think?


Looks great......love the shelf too
Thanks Meowzer! I read the "My 29 BioCube Updated Pics" thread by PerfectDark and was inspired by his aqua-scaping. He had such an amazing looking BioCube! I read all 49 pages of the thread and I couldn't find any more recent information or pictures. I'd love to know how it looks now.
Looks great Terri!
Thanks Kieth! I sincerely mean it when I say that it wouldn't be possible without the help you've so generously given to me.


Active Member
Well about time you put up some pictures. I like the new aquascape better. Everything looks to be doing well. Well done Terri.


Thanks Flower, it wouldn't be possible without your help!
I'm curious, how come you've had trouble with Candy Cane Coral?
Well about time you put up some pictures. I like the new aquascape better. Everything looks to be doing well. Well done Terri.
Thank you so much Henry! You know you've been an excellent guide and teacher throughout my learning process. Your expertise has been sooooo useful

I added another Feather Duster today, these worms are so cool! I never thought I'd be happy to have worms in my aquarium....lol

My first Feather Duster was moody when I took this picture and withdrew into his little tube.


Active Member
Feather dusters are cool. They don't seem to last long though. a year or two is more the norm for most tanks unless you are doing a LPS tank and providing enough nourishment. If I were you I would not want the trees so close to the main rockwork. I would place them on an island of their own away from the main rock. You will see as they grow the propagate by sending out branches to the nearest rock which attach and then slowly break away from the main part. They spread like wildfire.


Sounds good, I'll move the Kenya trees away from the rock work (more towards the front of the aquarium). I'd love it if these things grew! I'm glad you told me how they propogate, I was wondering how that happens. Is it okay if they're near each other, or should I keep them far apart?


Active Member
Fine if they are together.
You can see here where the smaller branches to the right have split or are splitting from the colony and attaching to the rock to the right.


Thanks Gemmy! I'm ridiculously addicted to this hobby. I've seen threads where people make much more progress in 8 months.....but I'm taking it really slow both for $$ reasons & because I'm trying to avoid as many mistakes as possible.
The smartest thing I ever did was find this website and use it as both a learning tool & a place to seek advice from more experienced hobbyists. I can't even begin to imagine the number of critter deaths, equipment problems, water problems, etc... that I would have encountered if I hadn't started going to this site from the very beginning. It's just dumb luck that I stumbled across it. I would have needlessly waisted money and time if I didn't come here for answers. I still made lots of mistakes along the way, but I also steered clear of some...
I still have lots and lots to learn but it's comforting to know I can come here for answers. I love the sense of community on this site, and it's not an LFS, where if I had a question I'd have to worry if there was just a 'sales agenda' behind their advice. Sometimes it's also better then a reference book because I can describe the my exact type of aquarium situation and get answers that are tailored to my specific needs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tirtza http:///t/390838/tirtzas-tank#post_3463298
Thanks Gemmy! I'm ridiculously addicted to this hobby. I've seen threads where people make much more progress in 8 months.....but I'm taking it really slow both for $$ reasons & because I'm trying to avoid as many mistakes as possible.
The smartest thing I ever did was find this website and use it as both a learning tool & a place to seek advice from more experienced hobbyists. I can't even begin to imagine the number of critter deaths, equipment problems, water problems, etc... that I would have encountered if I hadn't started going to this site from the very beginning. It's just dumb luck that I stumbled across it. I would have needlessly waisted money and time if I didn't come here for answers. I still made lots of mistakes along the way, but I also steered clear of some...
I still have lots and lots to learn but it's comforting to know I can come here for answers. I love the sense of community on this site, and it's not an LFS, where if I had a question I'd have to worry if there was just a 'sales agenda' behind their advice. Sometimes it's also better then a reference book because I can describe the my exact type of aquarium situation and get answers that are tailored to my specific needs.
Have you seen my seahorse thread?? I know what you mean about taking it slow. I have been taking things slow on my tanks. I think there are many benefits to taking the time and doing things at our own pace.
This site is pretty good. There are benefits of this place being a little smaller than some of the other forums, and some cons. Everyone on here is pretty helpful and are good for lightening the mood at times. Someone is usually around to help you avoid imminent disaster when issues arise. They also tell you the way it is without the sugar coating.


No I haven't seen your seahorse thread, but I'd love to! I want to learn all I can, so that one day (maybe in a couple of years?) I can upgrade to a really huge tank and then turn my BioCube into a seahorse tank. I'd love to see your thread. Can you please send me a link? Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by tirtza http:///t/390838/tirtzas-tank#post_3463307
No I haven't seen your seahorse thread, but I'd love to! I want to learn all I can, so that one day (maybe in a couple of years?) I can upgrade to a really huge tank and then turn my BioCube into a seahorse tank. I'd love to see your thread. Can you please send me a link? Thanks!
heya.......................... that was my idea.......... ahahahahaha
oh well go ahead.


Active Member
Between you and Henry I find myself really missing my Biocube.......
Here are a few shot of the 29 gallons hayday. (Not to highjack)


I'm confused, I thought you still had your 29 gallon BC?

Also, what is that really cool fish you have in this picture and how do you find those barnacle looking things?