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  1. racin24fan

    My Tank

    More pics
  2. racin24fan

    My Tank

    What do you all thinK? Open to all suggestions or if you see anything wrong. 55 Gallons and about 100lbs of Live Rock.
  3. racin24fan

    Coral Banded Shrimp

    Is yours very friendly? Mine stays in his rock and if anything comes near it he chases them away.
  4. racin24fan

    mandarin dragonet pictures anyone?

    These are really pretty fish. Are they mean?
  5. racin24fan

    Is My Starfish Dead

    Originally Posted by usirchchris Where did the live rock come from?...did you buy it from a site (don't need to know which one if it wasn't ) or did you buy it from your lfs, or some person? Reason I ask... if it was just some random person they may have used some kind of med such as...
  6. racin24fan

    Is My Starfish Dead

    The only thing new to the tank is live rock, a clown, butterfly, and some shrimp. I also installed a new wetdry filter. I noticed his skin the other day looked to have little bumps on it but I never paid it much attention because he seemed fine and was moving around the tank. He stayed on the...
  7. racin24fan

    Is My Starfish Dead

    Everything tested good. I took my water to a lfs and had it tested and its a okay. I have around 100 lbs of live rock in a 55 gallon. I bought him in March. Unfortunately the fish is dead.
  8. racin24fan

    Is My Starfish Dead

    Ok. I admit I am new to saltwater. I have had my tank since February. I have an orange linka starfish that has been fine until today. Today I noticed his legs are coming apart and stuff is coming out and the orange "skin" is peeling off. He is also very limp. Is he dead and if so any idea...
  9. racin24fan

    It Seems Like My 75g is missing something?

    Much better. Very pretty.
  10. racin24fan

    Green Glass Algae

    What will help? Every 2 to 3 days the front of my tank is back green and I have to scrub it again. I have several snails and hermits in my tank but they only seem to come out at night or stay on my live rock. I can see where they make "routes" across the front of the tank though. Some of the...
  11. racin24fan

    Copperband Butterfly

    Originally Posted by srfisher17 IME, frozen mysiss or FormulaI have been the best foods to get copperbands eating. Throw out your flake food, IMO, its for goldfish. A healthy CB will always be picking at LR, like others have said, no big deal. Be very careful what you add as tankmates, these...
  12. racin24fan

    Copperband Butterfly

    Thanks for all the advice. He is eating... but my main concern was if his picking would kill my live rock. I have also given him salad shrimp cut up into tiny pieces to eat.
  13. racin24fan

    Copperband Butterfly

    My Copper Butterfly is knipping at my live rock and does not seem to be eating the flake food. Should I be concerned? I do not want my live rock to die as it is way more expensive than the butterfly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. racin24fan

    UV Sterilizers

    So if someone were to buy one what would be the recommendation for the best and most cost effecient one to buy?
  15. racin24fan

    Hyposalinity Killed My Fish

    So would it help if I would hook up an air filter on the hospital? I have 2 that I am not using....
  16. racin24fan

    Hyposalinity Killed My Fish

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX I posted on your UV thread I would like to ask how much LR do you have in the tank? and how long have you had the orange linkia? another question what did yo have in the tank during hypo to move the water? how much flow in the tank? Mike In my main tank I have...
  17. racin24fan

    Hyposalinity Killed My Fish

    Ok I am going to sound really stupid but I am very new to salt water. What exactly is considered a reef tank? Right now I have a 55 gallon tank with a sump wetdry filter, powerhead, skimmer, about 100 lbs of live rock, 10 shrimp, snails, hermits, 1 fire gobby, 1 clown, and 1 copperband...
  18. racin24fan

    Hyposalinity Killed My Fish

    Would an UV Sterilizer do anything to help? I posted a thread that no one is replying to about it.
  19. racin24fan

    UV Sterilizer: Do They Help with Disease?

    I am thinking very seriously about getting one. With my ick problems they from what I read could help? Any advice? Which one to buy? Do you need anything else besides the UV Sterilizer? A pump?
  20. racin24fan

    Hyposalinity Killed My Fish

    No This has been a horrible week in the fish business for me. I lose 5 fish, my anemone kills itself (it attached to my powerhead and got cut then just disappeared in my tank), I spend 160 dollars on a new wetdry filter and overflowed my display hooking it up. UGGGHHH!!!