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  1. racin24fan

    hippo tangs

    I have had 2 hippo tangs and they are ick magnets.
  2. racin24fan

    Heniochus Butterfly HELP!

    I have a my H. Butterfly in a ten gallon QT. He has ick. I tested the water yesterday for ammonia and it was fine. I was not home last night and when I got home this morning he acted fine and was swimming. I went back in an hour later and he was laying on the bottom breathing hard. His eye...
  3. racin24fan

    Tank Help!

    I use Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Flakes. It says it has low phospherous and low ash. I have put aglae/seaweed strips in my tank before but my fish would not touch it.
  4. racin24fan

    Tank Help!

    I have been giving them flakes every evening. Myabe onces a week or 2 I will treat them to frozen brine shrimp.
  5. racin24fan

    Tank Help!

    I have 2 hangon filters, a wet dry sump, and 2 power heads. I have the Koralia 3 (850GPH) and Koralia 4 (1200 GPH). Do I need more than that?
  6. racin24fan

    Tank Help!

    As you can see in the attached pictures.... My tank is not pretty. Its filthy. I have to scrub this nasty looking purple goo off my tank once or twice a week. I have had my tank set up for one year. I have had this problem for months but now it is annoying. I have tried numerous things to...
  7. racin24fan

    maroon clown and haitian anemone

    My Maroon Clown is intent on hosting in my Haitian Anemone. The anemone has gone all over the tank from front to back and now attached to the glass side. I know this type of anemone do not normally host clowns but my clown chases it where ever it goes. Should I be concerned?
  8. racin24fan

    Flame and coral beauty angel?

    I have a flame and coral beauty in a 55 and they get along good.
  9. racin24fan

    Just got my Purple Firefish

    I have a purple and red firefish. They get along great. Although they stay back in the rocks most of the time unless its feeding time. Very pretty fish.
  10. racin24fan

    New Aquarium

    Originally Posted by subielover +1 Also slow down. You are moving WAY to quick. Hey be nice to him. He said someone bought him the fish. It would be rude to say thanks but no thanks when the tanks readings are good. Although the tang is probably way to big for the tank and the damsels will...
  11. racin24fan

    Gravel or Sand

    As I posted in another post I bought a new clown and it does not get along with my old ones so I am converting a ten gallon into a saltwater tank for the new clowns. Question is I have gravel in my ten gallon tank. I have 2 ten gallons that had tropical fish and I put all my tropicals in one...
  12. racin24fan

    Reef safe Angels?

    Originally Posted by FaLLenSyNNer im thinking of putting a dwarf angel in a 30g and im not sure which is the better candidate i had 3 types of dwarf angels in a 175g and it took forever to get the coral eater out first---flame angel--- didnt touch anything second---- coral beauty angel---...
  13. racin24fan

    Help!!! Clowns Fighting Each Other!

    Thanks for the help everyone! Would it work if I would go to my lfs and get one of those hang on the side nets and put the percs in the net for a week or would they still fight?
  14. racin24fan

    Help!!! Clowns Fighting Each Other!

    Originally Posted by mie They will be fine in the sump, (block the intakes) so they dont get sucked up. You need to find a home for the pair of percula's or the gold stripes, they will end up fighting non stop. FYI, gold stripes are known for being the most agressive. Mine is about 3 inches and...
  15. racin24fan

    Help!!! Clowns Fighting Each Other!

    would it hurt my 2 percs to spend a week in my sump tank with my pump and heater?
  16. racin24fan

    Help!!! Clowns Fighting Each Other!

    I have 2 false percula clownfish (rather big) and one goldstripe maroon clown (rather small)in my tank currently. They all seem to get along great. The maroon stays to himself and the 2 perculas roam together. Today I bought from a lfs another maroon clown about the same size of my...
  17. racin24fan

    Is my star dieing?

    Thanks for all your help. So far it is still alive. The leg has stopped disappearing. Any chance it will grow back if it lives?
  18. racin24fan

    Is my star dieing?

  19. racin24fan

    Is my star dieing?

    It is still alive this morning but the arm looks worse and more of it is missing. My salinity is 1.023. I acclimated for 4 long hours. I have a lot of live rock in my tank. Could it have got snagged on a sharp rock? Or could my fish be bothering it. I haven't seen anything bother it but I...
  20. racin24fan

    Is my star dieing?

    I bought an orange linka last week. He is a very active little thing and goes all over the tank. Today I notice that one of his legs is falling off and has white stuff coming out. He still moves around the tank, in fact in the last hour he has moved from the sand up onto the glass and from...