Search results

  1. dzones

    125 gal complete reef tank set-up for sale

    I am interested in some of your stuff. Please email me: Dave Thanks
  2. dzones

    For sale180 gallon complete with stand and canopy/home made

    Wish I could help out with the tank but live too far away. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. Dave
  3. dzones

    Anyone In Memphis

    well I TRIED to email you but it got returned. please email me at: EMAIL I am interested in most of your stuff and can pickup in memphis. I live fairly close by. Thanks Dave
  4. dzones

    Anyone In Memphis

  5. dzones

    Anyone In Memphis

    not to bust in but yes bterry29, Kermits Reef is a fish store in Cordova. Not a bad one, pretty good selection for the most part.
  6. dzones

    Anyone In Memphis

    yes please let us know if you are parting out. I am not far from memphis and interested in some of your stuff also.
  7. dzones

    WTB 400W MH Ballast

    YGM :)
  8. dzones

    What is wrong with its eye?

    not sure if this helps but when i purchased a yellow tang from my lfs the guy kinda dropped the bag when he was tying it. all seemed ok but when i got home the poor guy's eye had like a big bubble. it stayed for about a week then just dissipated to normal and has been for almost 2 months now...
  9. dzones

    WTB 400W MH Ballast

    Just like the title says. I need a replacement for my dual which blew out on one side last night. I am looking to replace this as soon as possible. I would also take a single if that is all that is available. Time is of the essence so please fishies need light! Thanks in advance!! Dave
  10. dzones

    monthly costs?

    I think my electric bill climbed about 30 bucks a month but considering I have over 1000 watts of lighting and a total of 22 items plugged in for my tank I think that is pretty good. Between the electric and other typical costs like salt and food I would think on average about 50-60 bucks a...
  11. dzones

    Light Algae problem

    oh ok good then. I have just heard of some people on here who only do that like once a week and I thought I must be doing something wrong to have so much of it. but if it's fairly normal than i am cool with that. Thaks for the replies. Dave :)
  12. dzones

    Live sand

    I did it and I know many others on here have also. some with more established tanks. Your best bet would be to remove the perc and put him in your qt if you have one or the very least a bucket with some aeration and heater. Put your lr in tubs or buckets also. save as much of your water as you...
  13. dzones

    Light Algae problem

    I have had my 125 for about 5 months now and have had to scrape algae from the front glass almost every day. it is a light green color and comes off very easily with any type of scraper. (my tang loves to follow me as I do this as she gobbles up what comes off in strips.) I have checked all my...
  14. dzones

    i bought garlic what?

    Garlic juice is a great cure for ick. I had a coral beauty come down with the stuff and I managed to get him out to the QT tank but not before the whole tankload of fish caught it too. I started using the Kent garlic and in a matter of 4-5 days the ick was comlpetely gone from every fish and has...
  15. dzones

    What supplements to start out my coral?

    It may help a lot if you can get a pic or a for sure name of the coral in question. 2 months is not a long time for a tank to be up and running for a coral to be introduced. I would not suggest adding any others for a little while.
  16. dzones

    skimmer suggestions

    ASMs are good generic Euroreefs for lot$ le$$ never heard of this what you use Kip? cichlidguy22 - I have a 125 also and I am using a berlin 250. I picked it up on here used and it is working awesome for me. It is constantly making good foam. I keep it in my sump and it is very...
  17. dzones

    are dusters dead?

    do not give up on them for a while. I once had one not come out of its tube for like 3 weeks. I was about to remove it thinking it was dead but out he came. Just be patient I am sure he will be out.
  18. dzones

    New fish in town

    200 bucks will get you some great lights for that tank. There are great deals to be had in the classifieds on this message board. I just sold both my 175w and 250w Metal halide lighting kits for $125 shipped on the board. Dave
  19. dzones

    Starter hardware/equipment.

    Do you know who makes this? I cant find it online anywhere? The Prism line is made by Red Sea. I am n ot sure where to find one. I knew of their skimmers but had no idea they made a combo unit. Dave
  20. dzones

    New fish in town

    explain what "cheap" is to you give us a price range to work with Dave