Hey everyone,
I'm new to the fish world and hopefully it will be a good experience.
I'm writing because i purchased a 60 gal used Hex tank with some LR , Fish, tube anemone, and a couple of sea cucumbers. i've had it for a couple of months and had some problems. I think i have the hang of it now.
anyways, it came with a 25w jalli lamp, that i have learned is not enough for my size tank (depth) if i am to introduce some anemones. although, the tube anemone is big and healthy.
question: i'm on a bugdet and need info on a light that would work best for my tank. the MH are very expensive and was thinking of using a PC but my other problem is that i have a top on the tank with a glass window thats 20" X 10".
what can i fit there, that is cheap and will work on anemones?