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  1. tax lady

    Bubbles on my new lr, what to do.?

    Originally Posted by meowzer can you get a pic? you know what green bubble algae looks like? google that...are they hard bubbles... No they are not hard, just looks and feels like air bubbles. They are not colored like the pic in google either. they are translucent. Any ideas?
  2. tax lady

    Bubbles on my new lr, what to do.? Go to this photobucket site and see the first 4 pics that say bubbles. Sorry, I am trying but cant remember how to post pics in here. My camera stinks...but its the best I can do.
  3. tax lady

    Bubbles on my new lr, what to do.?

    i'm gonna take a pic now.
  4. tax lady

    Bubbles on my new lr, what to do.?

    o k here they are 25 (I think )nitrates 0 nitites 0 ammonia 8.0 p h 140 calcium 11.5 kh 4.5 alk Anybody can help./??
  5. tax lady

    Bubbles on my new lr, what to do.?

    got bubbles on my new pieces of lr . Also a purpleish and some greenish color on there. First thought it was starting of coraline..but no. What to do?? My tank is a disaster anyway, but now this... will get my params in a minute.
  6. tax lady

    Start of My 26g Bowfront

    Nice tank Juice. I was wondering, with all the seemingly small peices of rock, do you glue them together or just hope that they don't fall? I am new at this game and am trying to get some rocks to make my 29 g look nice. thanks for the info.
  7. tax lady

    got my refractometer/help me with it

    My tank is a 24 gal aquapod. It has 3 compartments in the back. One has the filter sponges in and the other two could be available, but no light, so prob would not work ??? So, again, what is cheto for? Is it for the Nitrates? I will try to get some next time at lfs. thanks,
  8. tax lady

    Tips for sticking a candy cane?

    That candy cane is absolutely gorgeous!!! Can't wait till I can start getting some more corals.
  9. tax lady

    Can I break up a large lr?

    Thanks to everyone. All are good suggestions. Iwill try it prob this wkend.
  10. tax lady

    Can I break up a large lr?

    I got 2 lg lr from lfs, but I can't position them where they look good. One is just too big and can't do anything with it. Would it be ok to break it with hammer, or would that cause some of the life in rock to damage? Any opinions would be appreciated.
  11. tax lady

    got my refractometer/help me with it

    Yes, some ha in tank. Not much though. bought 3 turbos and 3 of the other kind, forget which. They said that it was great that the calcuim was that high. I am using their salt water now and the next change, but my salt that I changed to is Instant Ocean. Is there one that you prefer? I just...
  12. tax lady

    I spent 9 hours on my Tank

    beautiful. How can I have a pretty tank like that? Just bought some more lr and looks awful. Plus you have all those pretty corals. And they always look closer that I would put mine, but so gorgeous////! Never was good at decorating anything... Real nice tank you have..
  13. tax lady

    got my refractometer/help me with it

    Fianlly got to Gulfariam and they tested my water. Seems like I was reading the nitrites wrong. when looking from the top, je seems to thinkit is only 10. So that would be good huh? But then why all the problems. Could it be my salinity ? He tested it at 1.030. After changing the water I...
  14. tax lady

    got my refractometer/help me with it

    Will ask them Sunday when I go.
  15. tax lady

    got my refractometer/help me with it

    Originally Posted by Posiden If your tank is down to 25-50ppm I would say your doing well at lowering the levels. A good ol water change is a solid use of time. You were at 100 on the 30th. I myself wouldn't use the prime product to dilute or convert any nutrient issues with a tank. Your tank...
  16. tax lady

    got my refractometer/help me with it

    Originally Posted by Cranberry So you put the distilled water on there? Just clarifying. Yep, distilled water.
  17. tax lady

    Help controlling my algae has gotten out of control!!!!

    Originally Posted by Posiden Now this is JMO on this. I would build a cheap, ugly, getto scrubber and place it above the tank on a shelf or whatever. Get a small pump to feed it and let it gravity return to the tank. It worked for me. I have a pair of harlequins in my 29 Bio Cube and two fish...
  18. tax lady

    got my refractometer/help me with it

    Posiden, I had bought some Prime last time at lfs. Reason is his worker there told me that he only uses tap water and prime to neutralize it. I have decided not to try tap water cause of possibility of copper pipes. But I still have the prime, have not used it. what do you think. i hesitate...
  19. tax lady

    got my refractometer/help me with it

    The small tint I was referring to is when i tested the salt water mix before I put in tank like you suggested . I just changed 5 gallons and it tested tank , its about 25, maybe 50. Really bad at telling the colors, but it is down some. So that is a start. As far as modifying my tank, no...
  20. tax lady

    got my refractometer/help me with it

    Originally Posted by Posiden SORRY, you are right. I said one gallon and I meant 3 gallons. 400ml is just over 13oz. Probly like 13.5oz. Which is a touch over 1 1/2 cups. I do this to 3 gallons of water. I run a power head in there for 24hrs and then check every thing. Water tests. I would...