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  1. kube

    shrimp Goby - Pink & Blue

    Do they sift the sand. Cant seem to find any reliable info, or what I do find is conflicting stories...Thanks
  2. kube

    Cooling Off My Canopy

    Originally Posted by Bulldog123 I bought computer fans that can daisy chain 4 to one plug. No wiring just plug and play. wish i would have did that, gotta alot of wires twisted in that wire
  3. kube

    Cooling Off My Canopy

    i kinda went over board. i have 10 fans in my hood 5 wired in a row on each side blowing onto the endcaps. The wallyworld adapter was only 600 millamps and each fan is 150 mamps so i used a computer supply and spliced the power on wire with the blue wire to trick the power supply into coming on...
  4. kube

    Cooling Off My Canopy

    depending on the number fans you want to run...... Go to walmart and buy one of those 3v to 12v universal power supplies with different plugs and cut the end off it and bare back the two wires. Now go to a site like newegg and buy the case fines I used 80 MM fines (80 is just the size) 12 volt...
  5. kube


    or would it just be easier to add a rubbermaid tub w/ a couple of bulkheads? getting estimates from glass cages
  6. kube


    I want to make a 12 x 12 x 12 cube and attach it to my 20 long sump that i currently have. How hard would this be to make? I was thinking I could try to make it out of thick plexi glass. Is the 12 x 12 foot print large enough to house most nice skimmers out on the market for 125 gallon tank? I...
  7. kube

    bubbles in Reactor

    I recently set up a TLF reactor and feed the reactor from a maxi jet, it sets in the intake section of my sump. With two overflows returns dumping into that section along with a skimmer the water is solid with micro bubbles and i notice the reactor is getting air bubbles in. Is that a problem...
  8. kube

    Clean Up Crew? or Not?

    lol....afficianado....had to google it
  9. kube

    Clean Up Crew? or Not?

    i use to have the Nassarius and cerith snails.i think its the nassarius that stir the sand. When ever i would feed my tank they would come out in a straigh train and go for any scraps..I do have 4 turbos snails in my tank...but all the do is make a zig-zag path through the stuff i get on my...
  10. kube

    Clean Up Crew? or Not?

    wait...i do have an issue....might be better to start another thread but what the hell.... i do have hair algae in my overflow boxes more of a nuicance than anything but i cant be the one that has noticed this. does placing a cover on it help to block the light...cant say i've ever cleaned the...
  11. kube

    Clean Up Crew? or Not?

    Whats everyones thoughts? Trying to figure out if its worth the money to by a cuc. I dont have one right now and dont really have any issues. But would like it cleaner...Been slacking on the water changes...What does everyone think is better a good cuc or does good husbandry work just as well...
  12. kube

    ATO info

    i bought the next one up for 50 i think with the two floats, second one to act as a fail safe if the first one got stuck up.....i bought one of the pumps from there site...dont think the pump really matter to be honest... i bought one from them guess. pump really doesn't mater what you use...
  13. kube

    auto top off system....can i do this?

    hope this link is ok here.... heres pictures of the DIY ato talked about earlier
  14. kube

    ATO info

    i have the same exact one from them. works like a issue that will need to be addressed with it, but easy to fix for $2. When the pump comes on and your reserve tank is full it will draw a siphon and over fill you tank......easy fix just hard to explain in words your pump sits in...
  15. kube


    i dont really have any major issues. What I do have is this coat of algae that forms on the glass that is a annoying. It easily wipes away with my hammerhead scrapper but, talking to another guy that I helped set up a tank he doesn't have any on his glass. when i posted about it maybe a year ago...
  16. kube


    which do more people run in the reactors?
  17. kube


    Can I run two types if media in a reactor like active carbon and phosban? just pack some filter floss between the two and fill half full of each? Or is my logic flawed here?
  18. kube

    Return pump

    heres what confuses me and my recommentation to you..... i have a 125 gallon tank and sump. I have a mag 9.5 rated at 950 gph. I also have two eshopp over flows rated at 800 gph each for a total of 1600 gph. flow from the eshopps down is totally unrestricted no 90's at all. Now why the hell cant...
  19. kube

    Porcupine Puffer

    So i got thim to eat some krill. the new question is how to make a spot feeder that i can attach a krill to and wave in front of his face?
  20. kube

    Porcupine Puffer

    hes about 3 inchs. Tonight going to try some forzen krill, not the cubes but the actuall krill. Any recommendations for a homemade spot feeder?