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  1. kube

    ID Please

    Let me clarify what is this guy also?
  2. kube

    ID Please

    What kind of anemone is this is? It has a bright red base. Fully spread across he's an 1 1/2 inches wide Also what is the hitchhiker in the red circle, they seem to be spreading rather quickly?
  3. kube

    U-Tube Question

    you are absolutely correct in the fact that when the power goes out the overflow box will only allow the tank to drain so much, just have enought room in the sump to handle the excess when the power does go out the u-tube stays filled with water. they are designed in a magical way that they...
  4. kube


    thats good, trying to buy something that I will be able to incorporate into any future tank upgrades down the road
  5. kube

    U-Tube Question

    the CRP overflows they have a place where you connect an airtube to it, and a aqualifter pump, with an u-tube style and the power was to go out, with the smallest hole you could drill would cause all the water in it drain out of the tube, then the power would come back on and it would have no...
  6. kube

    U-Tube Question

    i think that would probably ruin the overflow and cause it to loose siphon and result in a flood
  7. kube


    any thoughts of what I can keep under this set up?
  8. kube


    the lights are 54 watts each, but doesn't the icecap 660 overdrive them to around 80 watts?
  9. kube


    oh yeah, tank has been up and running for over a year now, lots of copods and critters coming out of the 100# of live rock between the sump and DT What do you think my limits with this light fixture? Would this cover a a good majority of the corals out there? Its a standard 55 gallon tank
  10. kube


    So whats everyones opinion of this set up? Ice Cap 660 Ballast 4 TEK II reflectors Ice Cap Water Proof ends and stand offs 4x80=360 watts 55 Gallon tank Think I can keep an anemone happily under this set up? Also how high from the water do I want to mount the lights? Do I want a fan blowing...
  11. kube

    Calcium Question

    no i dont think that would be a problem just have the water the same temp and ready to go when you do the change
  12. kube

    Auction site

    wonder how long before they delete this thread....
  13. kube

    Beth, I read your hypo instr. but still have questions

    I did when I did hypo on my display tank, i left the sand in there, On a 55gallon with a twenty gallon sump i did 5 gallon water changes with ro daily, towards the end it took more water to get the salinity down to 1.009. Also do not try to use a swing arm it will not work
  14. kube

    ahh help

    I left the sand in the DT threw in a bunch of pvc pieces for entertainment for the fish, found a rubbermaid tub from the garage and put everything else in there. Thing with the garlic and kick ich or any other chemicals is unless you break the ick cycle and kill the parasite its going to keep...
  15. kube

    ahh help

    i successfully treated ick using hypo, I did hypo on the display tank, by taking all the live rock, coral, and inverts out and putting them in a rubber maid tub with a heater and power head for 6 weeks, you might get more response on this by posting in the sick fish forum. been over two months...
  16. kube

    help with new RO/DI system

    What I did was put a garden hose tee where my cold water hooks up to the wash machine maybe try that and use the vavle to regulate the pressure, I have really high pressure in my house also. and yeah all your going to get is a trickle of filtered water out of it, mine is a 100gpd system and...
  17. kube

    help with new RO/DI system

    full force
  18. kube

    Draining a Tank

    hose and siphon....
  19. kube

    RO/DI unit from purewaterclub seller on e***?

    I bought the same one, $75 for it and $35 for shipping so it was like $110 total, I have 300 TDS going in and 0 TDS coming out, have had for 2 months now. Only recommendation would be turn the water supply off to it when its not in use
  20. kube

    Changing my setup!

    I have the exact same overflow and mag pump, just remember to google "hofer gurgle buster" when you want to quite down the overflow