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  1. kube

    auto top off question

    is the line pumping water into your tank under water when it turns off? If so try raising it so its never under water, that way when it stops pumping water there is no siphon to keep drawing water out of the reserve
  2. kube

    What causes bad water?

    PH is how acidic the water is for lack of better terms, not sure what you mean by bad water, are you referring to tap water? TDS is how that is measured my tap water is 400+ TDS the water that comes out of my RODI system is 0 TDS, also it contains chlorines and all the other stuff that you...
  3. kube

    ALgae Sheets

    Do you think because it was close to my hydor koralia 3 and return from my sump it was waving in the high flow, think the high flow was just ripping it up? 55 gallon tank
  4. kube

    ALgae Sheets

    i put in a small 1x1 square and have had no problems since my last post, i'll keep an eye on it, stupid sea urchins got a hold of the very first piece and ate it till it was gone, havn't got my angel to show no interest it yet, hes busy cleaning all the rock
  5. kube

    ALgae Sheets

    I used Ocean Nutrition green marine algae sheets, probably about a one by two square, it was pretty close to my power head also, I'll give it a try again and use a smaller portion, thanks guys
  6. kube

    ALgae Sheets

    Hi guys, I added one of those green algae sheets for my flame angel to nibble on, but about an hour after adding it the whole tank was hazy, and the skimmer was freaking out had foam coming out the top air whole, took the sheet out tank cleared up after an hour and the skimmer calmed down. Any...
  7. kube

    Lion Fish Died

    had mine for a few months now, i feed every two to three days, for the most part all frozen foods, he did eat a firegoby one day, he was so fat after that that he sat on my mag float for about two days with the fish tail sticking out his mouth tell he could digest it all, sorry to hear he died
  8. kube

    fresh water dips

    I did a search for freshwater dips, i had a question related to the discussion going on here, so to the question I was thinking about doing a freshwater dip as a preventative measure when adding a new fish to the tank (not to treat an outbreak of anything), i know that quarantine is the only...
  9. kube

    Is there anything I can do

    i would maybe post this over in the sick fish forumn and Beth will be sure to Chime in, they helped my cure my ick outbreak, great people over there
  10. kube

    Daily water change - is this ok?

    I just recently won my battle also, weekly 15 gallon water changes for about 2 months (still ongoing), and added a half gallon of cheato to the sump
  11. kube

    Sump plans

    I did almost the same thing, but I put my skimmer in the first section were the water comes from the tank, water level is always constant there, and make your refugium bigger
  12. kube

    my tank= deathtrap?

    man i dont dought you or anything but never heard of Walmart selling saltwaterfish, learn something new everyday
  13. kube

    Too Much Light!

    hes well attached to the rock there no way I would I take him off of there now, when he was in the shade I wanted to get him in the light and tried to move and he's on there good that why i decided to just turn the rock instead of causeing him and unneeded stress i'll get some pics posted on...
  14. kube

    Too Much Light!

    I plan on it in the coming months to start adding some SPS. I went this route for it future upgradeablity when i get a 120 gallon in the next year or so(have 4 x 80 and 2 x 54). I also plan on taking one of the bulbs of the icecap ballast and powering it with another ballast, so that I can...
  15. kube

    Too Much Light!

    Never though I would say that but I think I might have gone a little overboard The reason I say this is because i have a green bubble tip anemone, when i put him in there he went for shady part, still getting a good amount of light though, I let him chill there for a week then I turned the rock...
  16. kube

    think they would have called it quiets already since it wasn't really do them anygood?
  17. kube

    Is it just me or is the site down? didn't know where else to post since they block any new threads in there forumn also couldn't ping the site
  18. kube

    Couple Questions

    yeah i have to agree get the right equipment now, because if you dont you'll run into troubles down the road and buy it anyways so save your self the headache. I got my rodi off of sleave bay for 105 including shipping, 6 stage, been going 3 months now with no problems and always turns out 0 TDS...
  19. kube

    clownfish with ick????

    i did the hypo treatment on the display tank that septula talked about and had great success
  20. kube

    Quarantine Tank

    hi guys, i bought everything to make my own custom sponge filter for my quarantine tank, my question after I make the sponge i know i want to leave it in my sump so that the bacteria can colonize on it, but do i need to run the air stone in it while its in the sump or can i just toss the sponge...