Daily water change - is this ok?

I posted before about dying hair algae and an outbreak of Cyano that is happening in my tank. Is it ok to do daily water changes to help the situation? The tank is a 110g and I was doing 5g per day. The tank only has lr, 3 sand sifters, 1 domino damsel, 2 green chromis, cleaner shrinp, snails, hermits. This would be a short term thing, 2 weeks maybe. Should I change more each time or is 5g ok for a daily switch? The tank was originally filled with tapwater, only using API's Stress Coat. Now I use API's tap water filter. Thanks!


Active Member
5g/day is fine, but I would start using RO/DI as this will drastically help your battle against the algae.


i mean huge...i finally won thanks to my lfs...i only use my lights max 6 hrs and feed everyother day and cleaned the tank within 10 days for 4 weeks and used that algea fix it chemical and its all gone....i keep the same routine..tank is finally like the day i got it...i also started useing phosphate pads to


I just recently won my battle also, weekly 15 gallon water changes for about 2 months (still ongoing), and added a half gallon of cheato to the sump