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  1. kube

    Shrimp to Cycle Tank

    I would maybe consider getting a piece or two of live rock from the LFS if you can and add it the tank to help seed the rock that was sent to you if nothing else just to give your tank a little bio diversity
  2. kube

    Help with RODI Unit

    Heres them pics Dive Girl, easier than what you might think, i just toss the waste water line in the wash machine, in the first pic you can see the tee and the adapter to hook it up
  3. kube

    Canopy Cooling

    more pics
  4. kube

    Canopy Cooling

    Hi guys I seek advice: I made my own canopy and have 4 T5's over driven by an ice cap ballast I need to get some cooling built into the canopy to cool the lamps. The back of my canopy is open, i was going to add 2 PC case cooling fans on each end of the canopy, I know some people recommend if...
  5. kube


    Whats DDS? Do you mean TDS?
  6. kube


    when i added my sump and took off the bio wheels out of the HOB filter, I saw an ammonia spike for a few days, just shows that them bio wheels do work
  7. kube

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    5 gallon jugs at Menards, Lowes, or Home Depot work great and are cheap
  8. kube

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    at my LFS they charge 50 cents for a gallon RODI water but i think it will vary from 40 cents to a dollar depending on where you go, just give them a call and ask if they have ro or rodi water and what they charge
  9. kube


    i had a few kill 5 clowns till i got smart and took all the rock out to cath them, and never lost a fish since
  10. kube

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    Originally Posted by PhxJosh That is good to know, and makes sense, I did not realize the water that evaporates does not take the sand with it. lol....sand with it? I think you mean salt
  11. kube

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    I paid 105 shipped for my RODI unit off the big auction site, had it for about 5 months now and cant be happier. 2 TDS after RO and 0 TDS after DI, I think most others will run in the 175 range and up for the unit from other places
  12. kube

    Powerhead for 55g?

    Originally Posted by Keebler I wouldn't depend on just one powerhead. If it is a reef, then that isn't enough anyway. I would go with 2 k3 or 2-3 k2s... +1
  13. kube

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    i use to use the water from the culigan machine at walmart, 1.66 for 5 gallons
  14. kube

    Overflow problem

    hmmm....a link to the parts to do this? or a link to a picture of this set up, not sure what you are looking for? What did you use to plumb your return to the display tank? In my case its all solid 1in PVC, i'll take a picture if you would like when I get off work
  15. kube

    Overflow problem

    If you still have troubles now that you got the air bubble out of the u-tube this is how i have mine set up. My return pump is over kill for my 55 gallon tank and pump water extremely faster than my overflow can take it out My return pump will run my sump dry faster than the over flow can dump...
  16. kube

    NOISY Overflow

    I used the Hofer Gurgle Buster and mine is silent now after a day of adjusting the bell and airline tube to hit the sweet spot
  17. kube

    Help with RODI Unit

    I think Joe summed it up very nicely, I added my RODI unit it the laundry room where the cold water line connects to the laundry machine I put garden tee with onoff switch and bought an adapter to connect the RODI unit to the tee, total cost like 6 dollars, I'm glad i did it this way because the...
  18. kube

    Aquarium Dust

    Hi guys, With patience and perseverance I have gotten rid of all algae and couldn't be happier. My question though is I get this light brown dust on my glass after a day or two, It comes off with my mag scraper really easily. Is this normal for everyone here or would increasing my flow help...
  19. kube

    Clown looks weird

    mine did the same thing and i was worried something was wrong, after a few weeks they heeled up and haven't noticed it asbad
  20. kube


    you know, i went through 5 clownfish that died on me with no signs of abuse or any indication as to what killed them, all parameters were perfect, there were three damsels in the tank, after talking to the guru at the LFS,( hes knows his stuff but hes in it for the sale, so i take everything...