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  1. kube

    Long T5s

    yeah, i'm sure that I can make them, and will probaly be the smarter thing to do, just find it odd that they dont have any already made out there since they make the bulbs that long..oh well
  2. kube

    Long T5s

    Hi guys Does any one know if they make reflector for a 6 foot T5 lamp, (actual length Dimensions: 57.6" L). Or should I just use the 4 foot ones i have now and add a 2 foot relector on the end? Or is this a bad idea for any reason? Kube (not asking for link just a name of a brand that makes...
  3. kube

    How much is a 150 gal tank w/ stand

    i just bought a 125 gallon tank (4in shorter than a 150gal), stand, lid, and lights for $270, like new condition
  4. kube

    T5's, Moonlights & a 55?

    i have the exact same set up and overcame the problem you are facing right now, I made my out of stuff from Radio Shack, and used wire that would normaly be used for wiring a furnace thermostat, it stiff enought that you can point them as spot lights and they dont move, i attached them to the...
  5. kube

    T5 Hieght

    easiest would be to email them to me at "kubikr AT"
  6. kube

    T5 Hieght

    the thing is its a retro kit that i add to the canopy, i think i'll have to mount the lamps to a board that will tilt up and back so that I can service the tank, any one have any pictures of there DIY canopies and retro fitted lamps? Question is how high up can I go and still be effective?
  7. kube

    T5 Hieght

    How high above your tanks do you keep you T5' on my current canopy I made I placed them as close to the water I could and have regretted it since because it made maintenance near impossible, I read on another board that some one found 6inch above or something like that was still getting great...
  8. kube

    Cold Weather

    correct it will be back to tolerable temperatures before i bring it in the house on a nice sunny day probably.. thanks guys
  9. kube

    Cold Weather

    So guys I just got this 125 gallon tank going to pick it up tomorrow, only one issue, with my first child due in a few weeks there's no way I want to take on the project of getting this tank ready for a few months, so the only place I can put it is in the garage, with the tank completely dry and...
  10. kube

    Is it worth it?

    well....for better or worse i now own a like new 125 gallon tank........ so the exciting journey into another tank starts.....hope this tank holds me over for many years before i get the upgrade bug again....the 55 was just the
  11. kube

    Considering this sump, is it good?

    how many gallons is the sump? I see your thread were you are thinking about getting the 150, kinda in the same boat, what I'm going to do is get a used 55gallon and have the hardware store cut a few pieces of glass for baffles, so i can have it set up exactly the way i want it..honestly i dont...
  12. kube

    Is it worth it?

    comes with a heater, standard lighting and lid, but I'll just sell that stuff.....I kinda like the HOB they dont take as much room as the reef ready ones, havn't had a reef ready tank though so it might change my mind if i had one but have question about drilling an overflow and few things will...
  13. kube

    Is it worth it?

    How much would you guys pay for a 125 gallon tank long and stand in perfect condition, used though, and with out overflows (the fact it doesn't have overflows doesn't bother me, i have been 100% succeful with HOB ones, though it would be a nice convience) 250 a good price?
  14. kube

    how do clowns sleep

    both mine sleep in my GBTA
  15. kube

    To move Anemone or not to move it???

    Is it possible to get a better picture, from the last pics you post it doesn't look as bleached as it did in the earlier pics, i think your camera is making it look in worse shape than it really is here is a picture of a bleached anemone that I bought in my stupid days so you know what a...
  16. kube

    BTA Has Me confused...

    when i got my GBTA from the LFS i would say we spent the first two weeks 3/4 of the time shriveled up in its base in a cave, he would come out daily for a little bit, but he was shriveled up most the time A month later he is now open all the time, he use to shrivel at night but I added some DIY...
  17. kube

    Overflow noise this is how i made my HOB overflow silent
  18. kube

    my lighting is it good enough

    individual reflectors or one reflector and how deep is your tank
  19. kube

    Live Rock Arrangement Question?

    i've had my rock against the back for almost a year now, I also have a power head back there that blows everything out from there, as far as cleaning back there since i solved my algae problem there has been no need to clean back there glass is as clean back there as it is everywhere else
  20. kube

    Kent vs Instant Ocean vs Oceanic vs Red Sea

    looking at those prices i would look into ordering online, i use oceanic (and like it) and get a 7 gallon pale that makes 200 gallons for $50 including shipping from F & S, there prices is $20 for 25 gallons it would cost 160 dollars to buy the equivilent in salt from the store you are at, just...