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  1. ryanbooton

    just a few

    ActuallyI treated the tank for ick and it was supposed to be invert safe but I guess for him it wasn't:( I moved him to my other tank and he has been doing well....that was about a week or so ago. If, by chance, he did live, would his legs grow back:confused: I did find out that they are...
  2. ryanbooton

    just a few

    I recently converted my 55 fw to problem there I already have a 125g sw. I have 3 pieces of live rock from my lfs, so I'm assuming they are established...anyway. What exactly do bristle worms look like and are they bad for your tank? I have heard they are and they aren't. Another...
  3. ryanbooton

    magnum filter

    does anyone happen to know how, or have a diagram on how to put together a H.O.T. Magnum Canister Filter? I am having a problem figuring out where the foam rings go. It keeps blowing bubbles into the tank. Any help is appreciated...thanks
  4. ryanbooton

    Live Sand

    I am in the middle of converting my 55g FW tank to SW. I already have a 125g SW.....So, are u guys saying that critters don't come with LS, i.e starfish, hermits, or anything? I just got a bag of LS from my lfs and was going to use that and the damsels I have left from my 125 to cycle. Does...
  5. ryanbooton

    feather duster

    Well just to let anyone interested know....the feather duster is gone, my horseshoe got ahold of it the 3rd day out of the tube :( I moved the one next to it out of the current with the other one. Went to the lfs and got another duster attached to a piece of live rock:D Does anyone think that...
  6. ryanbooton

    feather duster

    Well as soon as I turned my tank lights off last night the worm came completely out of its tube and went and curled up next to a rock. A little while later it was moved over a little but pretty much in the same spot. It is still alive...well as of an hour or so ago...and I moved its old tube...
  7. ryanbooton

    feather duster

    Thanks still has the crown(if that is the feathers) It's coming up out of the top. I just went and watched it a minute ago and it goes in and out. I heard once that they will leave their tube but its only because it doesn't likie something about their environment??Dusters are pretty...
  8. ryanbooton

    feather duster

    I have 3 feather dusters in my 125 g tank. One is off by itself and the others are within inches of each other. of my dusters close to the other one looks like he is trying to come out of his tube. Does he not want to be there, should I move it, or what. Could anyone tell me what or...
  9. ryanbooton


    I woke up this morning to find eggs in my 55 g FW tank. They are on one of the plants. I have 2 plecs, 2 snails, 2 cory catfish, 1 albino & 1 redruby oscar, and 1 Pacus. I know this is a SW MB, but I was just wondering if any of u knew which may have laid eggs, and if anything may come of them
  10. ryanbooton

    How many Feather Dusters?

    Originally posted by sistrMary Leslie: your feather dusters are probably building a larger tube :D What exactly is that stuff it's shooting from the center? Is it going to hurt any of the other habitants of the underwater world?
  11. ryanbooton

    How many Feather Dusters?

    Nice pic Shadow...I have three dusters and I wouldn't mind them multiplying:D I have a question of my dusters are shooting out a whiteish substance...wondering if someone could shed some light. I have read about it before but I can't remember what or where...Thanks
  12. ryanbooton

    YES Soda water does work!

    did u buy the mantis or did it just magically appear....what exactly is it?
  13. ryanbooton

    couple questions

    My boyfriends name is ryan and he dont get on here as much. I guess he knows everything about saltwater! LOL! :D
  14. ryanbooton

    couple questions

    I took over someone elses thingy, and I would now rather see my name then someone elses;) I have tried to email a couple sharks and they don't allow it
  15. ryanbooton

    couple questions

    how do I change my username???
  16. ryanbooton

    couple questions

    It's nice to know my starfish will get new Which do u prefer, LS or LR? I want the foreign creatures to come with and theat is LS right? I remember living in FL and burying my feet to feel the creatures underground...interesting. The feeling of a snail slither over your hand is...
  17. ryanbooton

    couple questions

    Oh starfish grow back legs when broken?
  18. ryanbooton

    couple questions

    Sorry, I didn't want to forget and I didn't want to have to reply 50 different times:o I got a package deal four days ago and had a couple funerals, I was wondering if I had to get the same thing or if it could be credited toward something else?? What would be the best way/thing to feed snails...
  19. ryanbooton

    couple questions

    so should I just leave my feather dusters alone and they will find there own comfortable spot?...also I have this one Sally Lightfoot and I caught it eating one of my scarlet reef hermits, are they known to do that or is this one just aggressive and maybe need to be taken out? the blue leg...
  20. ryanbooton

    couple questions

    If I had a cup of live sand to put in my sand which is already in my 125 g SWT, will the cup produce/add more live sand out of the sand already there?Also...I have 3 feather dusters and I have heard they like light and they don't, which is true, or does it matter, do FD's move around on there...