The Achilles Tang
Red Tailed Surgeon or Achilles Tang grow
to over seven inches. This is a fish which
prefers heavily oxygenated water and its
normal habitat is reefs were the surf breaks.
Now guys the fish store told me id need like 25 tubos and 50 blue legs! Is this true? I see guys on here with 200 gal. tanks and only have a couple turbos! Whats the deal? I do have cc.
I bought these snails cause the looked old and had these things and moss growing on it. One looks like its got a live flower on it. It goes down when it gets scared and comes out like a flower when its not. Is it good or not? Will it spread to my tank?
Go buy a bottle of prime. Its a little expensive but lasts for a thousand gallons. It neutrlizes everything in water. Fresh or salt! That should help out ur tap if bottled is out of the question!
Where can i buy the sand for my tank?? Can i get selica sand or do i have to get it from the pet store?Ive got a 125 gallon tank. About how much should i use? Ive got about 50 lbs of crushed coral. Please help!
All right can someone tell me the differance between a reef tank and a saltwater tank? Is it just live rock or is it the waves and foamy reef or the coral? Whats the deal?