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  1. parkercandleco

    really odd .. cobwebs in my tank???

    ok sao here are some pics.. hopefully these turn out okl..
  2. parkercandleco

    really odd .. cobwebs in my tank???

    ok well i just used jpeg sizer even though it leaves that dumb water mark... i dont want to kill the snails. i will just leave them.. i dont have the heart to even kill the pestiest of creatures in my tank...
  3. parkercandleco

    really odd .. cobwebs in my tank???

    ok well the picture thing isnt workibng for me right now.. lol.. yes i meant 1.021.. but it wont ove AAAHH!!>>. then i guess i wont worry about the snails in my tank.. ive been cleaning out the substance because it looks pretty gross.. is there any way to get rid of these snails???
  4. parkercandleco

    really odd .. cobwebs in my tank???

    here are some pics of the substance.. i looked up vermetids and the subatance looks similar but i am not seeing anything that looks like them.. unless they are hiding from me lol..
  5. parkercandleco

    really odd .. cobwebs in my tank???

    well here are some pics just to make sure.. ya i didnt think that substance would be from a sponge.. these things just all of a sudden appeared.. though.. i havnt added anything new to my tank in months.. it is kinda hard to see in the pics because my camera doesnt have an underwater lens.. but...
  6. parkercandleco

    really odd .. cobwebs in my tank???

    so i just called my local lfs a they said it could be a sponge growing??? but why would a sponge look like a bunch of coebs.. odd huh...
  7. parkercandleco

    really odd .. cobwebs in my tank???

    ok well first of all i have been treating my tank with melafix for about days now due to some my blue hippo flashing.. and today i have noticed like a cob webb substance on my star and hanging off of one of my rocks.. what is it??? its kinda kreeping me out.. and also.. i have a 125 gallon tank...
  8. parkercandleco

    im not sure if my protein skimmer is working

    how o you adjust the flow if u dont mind me asking.. i know about the intake/airway
  9. parkercandleco

    Can live rock alone filter my tank?

    really!!! thats what i would lke to do.. whats chaeto???
  10. parkercandleco

    Can live rock alone filter my tank?

    well thats awesome.. i am excited about giving my inhabitants a more natural environment in the near future.. after my big move of course.. thats going to be very interesting.. well i will definitely stock up on that live rock.. i just dont want to add to much in case of a huge tank disaster...
  11. parkercandleco

    im not sure if my protein skimmer is working

    well when i open the airway all the way it overflows a few days later.. so i cant open it all the way.. i have had the foam once.. and thats it.. it went down after that.. so im not sure whats going on
  12. parkercandleco

    Angelfish maturity

    lol o lord.. well actually i have 125 milk gallons so i can keep my water.. i dont think it will be that bad.. when i get the fish back to my house i will set them up with a powerhead in the 5 gallon bucket until i get the tank and the live rock set back up.. i just hope i grab all of the...
  13. parkercandleco

    Can live rock alone filter my tank?

    so about how much live rock would i need in my 125??? probably the same weight as in gallons? right now i probably have about 60-70 pounds
  14. parkercandleco

    Vanished fish

    wow that is simply crazy... he could be trying out a new cave.. one time i thought that my blue hippo disapeared and i found her hiding in a little cave in one of the rocks.. but i doubt your hermits grabbed him and took a chunk out of him.. im sure they would only start to devour if they had...
  15. parkercandleco

    Can live rock alone filter my tank?

    alright.. what if its a fish only tank?? yeah well it would be nice to get rid of the fiklters and not have to deal with them.. i actually have carbon in my skimmer so i can get it from there!!>...
  16. parkercandleco

    Angelfish maturity

    ya lo wouldnt that be nice.. o well.. i probably would have paid the same ridiculous price for an emporer.. i paid 46 for this guy.. i could have easily gotten it on here for a much more fairer price.. but it was kinda a spur of the moment thing
  17. parkercandleco

    Can live rock alone filter my tank?

    right now i have 2 penguin biowheel filters.. and i was just wondering if i got up to 150 pounds of live rock in my 125 pound tank can that alone with a skimmer filter my tank for me??? essentually isnt that what a sump is?? if so im sure taking those filters off would save a handful in the...
  18. parkercandleco

    Reef Progression Pics. (Just starting)

    OMG>> i love that cave!! amazing.. you gave me a GREAT idea!! lol and im sure all of your fishies love it.. i need to stock up on my rocks also.. lovin it.
  19. parkercandleco

    Angelfish maturity

    yes it is the fish in my avatar i am talking about.. well go figure.. o well. koran angels are georgeous when they are adults also.. i can wait.. i like the juvenile look.. with all of the lines through the body... also.. i am getting ready to move in about a month.. has anyone had any luck with...
  20. parkercandleco

    Can a fire shrimp die due to lowered salinity?

    well i also guess that explains my blue lobster dying also.. i was baffled by that one.. i usually keep my salinity at 1.21,, i will definitely raise it and add my shrimpy friends back in once the water is stable for them... god rest there soul