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  1. willlovesfish

    My first QT tank all setup!

    This is my first 10g QT tank all setup. Actually, these are my very first fish as well, so wish me luck! I tried putting up thick black poster board paper all on the sides and back but for some reason the glass is still very reflective. Fish don't seem to mind it though, they seem very happy ;)...
  2. willlovesfish

    Setting up my first QT tank, have some ?'s...

    Thanks for the tips, sounds like no live rock or sand for sure. Only thing I need then is a powerhead and some PVC pipe. I will make sure to cover the bottom for sure and most likely the back and sides as well just to be safe.
  3. willlovesfish

    Setting up my first QT tank, have some ?'s...

    I am getting ready to setup a 10gallon QT tank. I am new to this and have some questions. First, is it ok to go bare bottom, or better to go with live sand, or really doesn't matter either way? I understand I should have some PVC pipe for them to hide. Also, try to keep the water identical to my...
  4. willlovesfish

    Where to place my powerhead...?

    Thanks for the tips. Seems blowing over the LR is the best idea so far. From what I have read though many don't use the air bubble part, guess it's just not needed because there is already enough bubbles and air coming from just the unit by itself. Unless someone can tell me otherwise I don't...
  5. willlovesfish

    Where to place my powerhead...?

    I got a powerhead and was wondering where I should place it...? Should it be in the back blowing toward the live rock, and how high or low should it be in the water? One other question is the powerhead came with an air tube and air valve for oxygenation, but the only way for it to work is for...
  6. willlovesfish

    New member, hello all

    I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a test kit for me. My local store has one made by Red Sea, and the other is by API. Either one better then the other...? Also, I got a powerhead and was wondering where I should place it...? Should it be in the back blowing toward the live...
  7. willlovesfish

    New member, hello all

    So I ditched the fake plants. Also added 13 pounds more of live uncured rock, brings me to a total of 24 pounds of live rock. Still didn't get another powerhead or test kit, but soon after Christmas I will for sure. Making progress though for now at least. Figure it should be ready for fish in...
  8. willlovesfish

    New member, hello all

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 you can add cured rock to the tank once its established but if its uncured you will have to cure it yourself in a seperate container before adding it to your system. Ok, thanks again, you have been very helpful.
  9. willlovesfish

    New member, hello all

    Originally Posted by sepulatian As mentioned, you have to add an ammonia source to start the cycle. You can add a few pieces of uncured rock or a raw coctail shrimp. You will definately need a liquid master test kit. Welcome to the boards Sorry, I posted at the same time that you did. Yes, it...
  10. willlovesfish

    New member, hello all

    Wow, lots of info, thanks to all of you, very helpful! The test strips I am using are new with the tank and are for sure use with Saltwater, but as I am finding out they are unreliable. Anyway, looks like I will get a test kit for sure, thanks for the advice alix2.0. Also, I am not totally...
  11. willlovesfish

    New member, hello all

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 what are you ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph parameters? if you only set the tank up a week ago and you have live rock in your tank is probably cycling. Unfortunately I don't have a test kit yet, all I have is some test strips, which I hear are very unreliable :(...
  12. willlovesfish

    New member, hello all

    Originally Posted by mie Heres a link with most of the answers you need. BTW welcome. Thanks for the warm welcome. I will take the advice on the plants and remove them, thanks! mie, I checked out the thread you linked for me, read just...
  13. willlovesfish

    New member, hello all

    Hi there, name is Will. I have just setup my first saltwater tank about a week ago now. It's a Oceanic 22 gallon tank with about 11 pounds of live rock, no live sand though. Any tips on how long I should wait before adding fish...? Here is a pic of my tank, enjoy