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  1. worrballer

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Nissan: If you find a solution let me know and I'll do the same for you. I could just leave it alone, I mean it is level and flowing. But I'm a perfectionist about my tank lol Meowzer: Lol thanks for the visit! You definitely add some flair to the nano section! In other news I HAVE A BABY...
  2. worrballer

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    I've been having some issues with my overflow. I posted in the DIY but since this is a diary thingy I might as well put it in here too. It seems my tank isn't draining as fast as it should. Here are some of the problems: 1) Slight gurgle from the airline tube 2) Overflow box is flooded (no...
  3. worrballer

    Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary

    A little anxious about the next page? Man, if you let katsafados and/or meowzer into your thread you'll get off topic in no time! So just try flipping it around once and if that doesn't work you can throw poop at me. Well not really.
  4. worrballer

    Wet dry transform to have a fuge!!!

    Wait sorry about that edit about the mag 9 working. 1 inch pipe can handle roughly 400 gallons an hour. You're pushing 600. But you have it dialed back and this thread isn't about the pump lol. (but I'd go for the 6) Anywho, bioballs are lame; you had a bio-cube you should know this!
  5. worrballer

    Wet dry transform to have a fuge!!!

    Ya that would work but it is the same thing as the filter sock, only harder to clean. One thing to note: micro bubbles happen in new tanks some times. And the only way you could have too big of a pump is if your drain can't handle the flow. Other wise it's all good. How big of a drain pipe do...
  6. worrballer

    Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary

    Originally Posted by A bubble trap is a narrow section within the sump that is made up of three baffles. The center one is higher than the two outer ones. The bubble trap should be located after the area that contains the most bubbles. Normally, that would be where the water...
  7. worrballer

    Starting up my sump

    Is it drilled? Or is it a hang on back overflow? If it is hang on back (easier with 2 people): 1) Fill the tank 2) Fill the sump. Not all the way, just until the return area is half full. (this is a guess it is mostly trial and error, you don't want to fill the sump all the way and cause an...
  8. worrballer

    Attach rock rubble to egg crate options?

    My old rock wall was the perfect fit so it was held under the lip of the rim. The bottom started to float so I wedged a piece of eggcrate on the bottom between the wall the the front glass. It was covered by the sand so I couldn't see it. It helped that I made an arch that stuck out into the...
  9. worrballer

    ***Superhero's 5.5 gallon nano***

    Originally Posted by grubsnaek i think its flatworms. if their a redish brown color and are multiplying fast. then i would strongly suggest that its flatworms -1 Not flatworms. I'd post it in the ID forum. I've never seen that before.
  10. worrballer

    Attach rock rubble to egg crate options?

    Silicone, but that doesn't really work that well (I know from experience). When I did my rock wall I did the silicone but found out that the foam holds it better. Place the rocks where you want and spray in between. If they move, you have some time to move them back before it hardens. What's...
  11. worrballer

    How many snails?

    +1 to all of it. You want to have a balance of sand/rock/glass cleaners. There is no real set solution to your cuc (as you can see from the responses lol). Best bet is to start small and work your way up cause you don't want to throw in a bunch and then they starve and die. I personally like...
  12. worrballer

    DIY Overflow not working perfectly

    I have a ball valve on the return and it is turned back so the water stays level, just doesn't cascade into the overflow. When I put pieces of acrylic on the box the water gets really close to overflowing and then levels out anyway. The tank is stocked and I've already drained and moved...
  13. worrballer

    DIY Overflow not working perfectly

    I built an overflow box to cover the bulkhead. Just like glass-holes but cheaper... but not as nice lol. The box dimensions are 3x3x5 inches (LxWxH) with 1 1/4" teeth. Bulkhead is 1" I have airline tubing down the pipe and coming out of the tank side of the bulkhead. Here are my problems with...
  14. worrballer

    2.5 Gallon tank. What to do...?

    Originally Posted by Superhero i had one too for like 8 months before college but then when i was there first semester my buddies decided that my betta liked captin morgan's one night and wasted like almost half a fifth by pouring it in his tank... i was not happy to say the least haha... kinda...
  15. worrballer

    Whats A Good Sand Sifter?

    Your nass snails should do the job. After you get this next batch of cleaners see how they do. If it is still not enough get 3 or 4 more nass.
  16. worrballer

    Yet Another T5 bulb question

    I've been looking around the interwebz for a bulb combo that will work for me. I like crisp blue/white lighting and would like to keep a clam if possible. Here is my lighting: 2x 30" Nova Extreme 2x 24w I read that 3 ATI Aquablues and 1 UVL Actinic White would look good but that sounds too blue...
  17. worrballer

    Where do you find 30" t5 bulbs

    I have the 30" Nova Extreme and they have 24" bulbs.
  18. worrballer

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Okay, water changes sound easy enough. Another chemical question. My pH is consistently 7.8. Will water changes raise that up? Should I try for a pH buffer or calcium or something?
  19. worrballer

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    What do you recommend? dKH? Calcium? Any others like Strontium or Iodine (or is it Iodide)?
  20. worrballer

    ***Superhero's 5.5 gallon nano***

    Biocube makes one for their tanks and I think Tunze has a small one. I've never looked into them though. With this small of a tank water changes are a breeze so I wouldn't complicate things with a skimmer. You'll have the fuge that should be enough. Save the money and buy corals.