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  1. stanton

    How to keep calcium levels up!!

    I don't want to steel a post , but my alk is a little high at 4.4. My ph is 8.2
  2. stanton

    How to keep calcium levels up!!

    I also use the Kent tech cb and cannot get my calcium above 360. I use a salifert test kit. My corraline is really starting to take off though. Which test kit do you use Islandgirl?
  3. stanton

    Sick Clown

    Sorry I couldn't get back sooner. The clown died 6 hrs after putting in Q.T. I did find a spot on it's gill plate that was swollen and his gills were bloody. My watchman is still doing great and shows no sign of infection. I'll keep a super close eye on him. Thanks again
  4. stanton

    Sick Clown

    He has starting to breathe heavily tonight. The only thing I can think of is last Sat. I done a major aquascaping job that stressed him out for about two hours. I have a yellow watchman that he cuddles up against when the goby is out.Should I QT the goby also? My readings are: sg 1.025...
  5. stanton

    Sick Clown

    I just recieved the frantic call from my wife. We have had the false perc for 5 weeks. No problems other than a scrape on his chin that got infected. His symptoms are White face,filmy looking around the mouth Hugging the bottom in one spot all morning He is eating though. My hospital tank is...
  6. stanton

    Washing your hands

    What do ya'll (from the south) wash your hands with before doing any in tank work?
  7. stanton

    Hey Kipass4130

    Thanks guys for the bump.
  8. stanton

    Hey Kipass4130

    I have tried to find your various takes on snails, but cannot find it through the search. Will you e-mail it to me if you still have it stored away? If not thats okay. I have decided to go all snail clean up and need a plan. Thanks man....Stanton
  9. stanton

    check this out, not for the weak at heart

    You can't help but to feel sorry for the toad. From what I've read and seen gardners Don,t constrict their prey. Being slowly eaten alive has got to suck! I wonder if the snake has a buzz ?
  10. stanton

    False perc. fungus?

    Since yesterday,the fuzzy part is gone. However there is a small bubble in it's place.It looks better as far as the infected area, just a little bubble flapping in the current. Is this a good sign?
  11. stanton

    False perc. fungus?

    Yes QT is still up.Other than the spot he is normal, little pig actually. One thing he just started doing is rubbing or just smothering my yellow watchman.I think he wants the goby to clean him.I showed it to my wife last night and she could'nt believe how he would snuggle up to the watchman...
  12. stanton

    False perc. fungus?

    My false perc has a growing single white spot under his mouth.It's white and kinda fuzzy looking.It's doubled in size the past two days.Two days ago it was just a bump but yesterday it was a lot bigger and fuzzy.My lfs said it was a common fungus due to a injury and reccomended Maroxy by Mardel...
  13. stanton

    Royal Gramma pics

    I hope I can describe well enough.The one color I like is a bluish purple straight to a bright yellow.The other color is kinda purple pinkish on the front to orange to a more dull yellow.a search on google shows few color variations.I know every fish is different but the two I decribed are the...
  14. stanton

    Royal Gramma pics

    I guess I should have put it under photography
  15. stanton

    Royal Gramma pics

    I'm ready to add a RG to my tank and have seen a couple color differences in the fish.One of them I did not like and if I order one that would be the one I'd get knowing my luck.I'm assumming it's be cause of location.If possible would some of you post pics and the origins of them.Ive done a...
  16. stanton

    info needed on yellow watchman goby

    I've had mine now for about a month and he gets more character every week.He moves around the whole tank now and has a house under every piece of live rock.Scoop loves the herbavore shrimp pellets that come rolling by in the current and brine.He does'nt sift through the sand much like the others...
  17. stanton

    fluval experts needed

    The 303 does not have a primer.It sounds as if you still have a air pocket somewhere in the cannister.The best way to prime for the first time is to suck on the return line until you see water in the hose past the isolation valves.Close the return isolation valve and start the pump.Shake the...
  18. stanton

    white spirals on glass??

    I have the same thing in my aquarium.I thought they were baby trocha snails.They have not really moved as far as I can tell but they are getting bigger.Maybe someone can tell us exactly what they are.
  19. stanton

    Clown with insomnia :(

    My false perc does it also.I kinda thought he would go in a hole to sleep.Beats me....
  20. stanton

    LR ane aptasia

    Hi TLK I had the same problem a couple weeks ago with 1 aiptaisa on 1 rock.I finally removed the rock out of the aquarium.Then boiled me some water and squirted it in the hole.I done this for 10 or so minutes.I have not seen the bugger since.I put up a post a couple weeks ago and the helpful...