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  1. coralreefer

    Old tank,NEW Algae

    id say a month
  2. coralreefer

    coralreefer's 75 gallon build

    im building the stand this weekend (hopefully if i get over the flu), so ill keep you posted
  3. coralreefer

    plumbing options

    btw, if they are in the "y" format, each outlet on one locline has half the gph of the total flow going through the locline. hope im not confusing you
  4. coralreefer

    plumbing options

    yes those are loc lines. you can drill one hole and make it go in 2 directions, like a "y". they attach to standard threaded bulkheads, so that wont be a problem for you.
  5. coralreefer

    Pics of new rainbow acan

  6. coralreefer

    black bristleworm?

  7. coralreefer

    Red Starfish Unexplained Death, Help!!!!

    you said you had an anemone right? that could have eaten it but its unlikely
  8. coralreefer

    sand cleaner

    get 6 or 7 fighting conches. they only clean at night and they leave little tracks in the sand
  9. coralreefer

    Pics of new rainbow acan

    wow you really scored big time
  10. coralreefer

    Tomini Tang

    be shure not to feed it salad greens like lettuce... that can kill them. go to petsmart and get green or red algae sheets aka nori
  11. coralreefer

    Red Starfish Unexplained Death, Help!!!!

    well when they die, they sort of "melt"
  12. coralreefer

    Is a single T5 bulb good enough?

    the sps will glow fine under only the MH
  13. coralreefer

    Red Starfish Unexplained Death, Help!!!!

    linkia stars need a mature tank, 1 year+. that could have been the problem. they are also hard to keep
  14. coralreefer

    TriGa22's 75 Reef

    i have one little question....... WHERES THE SUMP!
  15. coralreefer

    sand question

    ill probably buy 80 lbs of live aquarium sand from the bay
  16. coralreefer

    Red Starfish Unexplained Death, Help!!!!

    looks like a linkia star. could you post your params and tank age?
  17. coralreefer

    sump questions

    sorry, heres how i really want to do it. i am doing a scrubber in this design:
  18. coralreefer

    diy stand question

    no no, i meant depth as in when you're looking at the tank from the front, front to back
  19. coralreefer

    sand question

    so your best suggestion is to get all new sand and it wont cause any sort of problems?
  20. coralreefer

    sand question

    spanko, very good idea a couple of questions though: 1. if i add all new sand, wont that decrease the amount of nitrifying bacteria i have in the tank? 2. would there be a problem if i mixed old sand with new? thanks