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  1. hsanchez

    Help! Baby Turtle

    It has had no care what so ever in the past. Now I have it in a heated enclosure with uvb light. It is a Red Ear Slider.
  2. hsanchez

    Help! Baby Turtle

    So my sis is giving me her baby turtle, just does not have the time or equipment to take proper care or it. I currently have a baby res's in a 20L. The turtles are about the same size. The adopted one is currently in a small clear container that the turtle came in, has a lid and all. His...
  3. hsanchez

    Frag of awsome zoos

    Shoot me an e.mail.
  4. hsanchez

    Good Time Waster

  5. hsanchez


    Originally Posted by trainfever The good thing about T.O. overdosing in Texas, is that he is not overdosing in Philly. Hey, maybe instead of calling him T.O. we should call him O.D.?
  6. hsanchez

    Classifieds Seller's Feedback

    Originally Posted by hot883 Bought a hqi light from him, arrived well, looks and works great. Thanks H. Same to you Hot, Thanks for taking it off my hands. I hope your son likes it.
  7. hsanchez

    10 Really, REALLY Useless Facts

    6. When a male honeybee is doing the dirty with the queen honeybee, after he is finished, his genitals explode. :hilarious
  8. hsanchez

    Graphic Design Artist!!!!!!!!!

    I'm a graphic designer, but when I graduated from college the only job I could find in the field after graduation starts off $9/hr. Very disapointing. I could not afford to work w/ that pay I love graphic design, it's my passion so but now I only do freelance work, and am currently working in...
  9. hsanchez

    any hispanics?

    dang mexicans :-P
  10. hsanchez

    zoa's f/t in n.j.

    What are you trying to get for those alien eyes?
  11. hsanchez

    IT'S OUT OF CONTROL!!! Anyone like Pom-Pom??

    well if anybody is interested, whatever UPS says shipping is to you from me (60632). Is what I'll charge, plus box and thermos. If anybody is interested drop me a line. The package might be around 2-3lbs.
  12. hsanchez

    Coralife 150w HQI MH Fixture for sale

    bump, still avaliable, now come with a 14k bulb
  13. hsanchez

    help with 20 gallon long please

    I had a those same lights on a 20L. The only thing I has success keeping was polyps and xenia. They had to be kept up high though. No skimmer, just an aquaclear hob, along with biweekly water changes. did well for a while! Good Luck
  14. hsanchez

    live rock chicago

    e-mail me!
  15. hsanchez

    IT'S OUT OF CONTROL!!! Anyone like Pom-Pom??

    I also have a crap load, but the cost of overnight shipping is the only downfall. Don't think it'll make it any other way.
  16. hsanchez

    Classifieds Seller's Feedback

    Wanted to comment on Bot587, excellent seller, excellent shipper and thanks for trusting me! Who can complain?? 150w MH HQI + 130w PC Fixture W/ Moonlights for that price!! What a deal man, can't thank you enough kid!!
  17. hsanchez

    2 week old DE 20k XM 150w bulb for sale

    paid $60, will let go for $40. If anybody is interested e-mail me thanks!
  18. hsanchez

    chicago area trade

    Thanks. Here's a pic of the frag you gave me before and after. There doing great. got any new zoos?
  19. hsanchez

    Coralife 150w HQI MH Fixture for sale

    e-mail me
  20. hsanchez

    Coralife 150w HQI MH Fixture for sale

    trades as far as what?