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  1. rubyredrose46

    Green Mandarin Question

    I agree a 12gal is just way to small for this fish. I tryed one in my 24 gal *my choice*. It lasted for 3 months. My hubby did not know that much about them and went and bought another one *after I told him I did not want to try it again cause they need at least a 50gal or more* I have read they...
  2. rubyredrose46

    10 gallon nano Nemo style!

    Originally Posted by Freeborder_01 Not gunna lie, i vote we just boycott this thread. This is 100% irresponsible on so many levels. It baffles me that you want to "push the limits" on this. I think im going to go simulate an oil spill in my tank just to test out how everything responds. Just...
  3. rubyredrose46

    Got my first reef cube! Can I see pics of yours??

    Congrats on the Nano .. We have the same kinda of zoos hehehe. Tank looks great!! Here is a pic of 24 gal nano.. Not sure if it will help much..
  4. rubyredrose46

    10 gallon nano Nemo style!

    Originally Posted by ocyoo It's not from the store, it's from my frag tank. I got 4 more. alright well i would put it back in the frag tank then. i know you want to prove all of this.. but are you really willing to kill a living animals?? alot of people have tryed this and it never works.. i...
  5. rubyredrose46

    10 gallon nano Nemo style!

    You should take back the anemone. It will not make it threw your cycle. Take it back and get a store credit.. And get one once your tank is cycled. But if you want to try it best of luck!
  6. rubyredrose46

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    Ok I will join too Hehehe 24gal Nano & Our 6gal Nano *dose not look the same at all* We took out all corals and starfish *added them to our 24gal*. We have a very small small baby clown *which the store should of ever had!!* in there and rock for now.
  7. rubyredrose46

    BIGGEST mistake you've made in the hobby

    mine would be going to the lfs asking if I could change my old 5gal fresh water tank into saltwater and was it going to work or is it a bad idea and if i could would I be able to for 100 bucks with a clown and crab for my soon to be hubby's birthday... then them telling me in 2 weeks i could add...
  8. rubyredrose46

    A Few Pics From Rubys 24gal Nano

    Originally Posted by DeMartini no! I love your rockscape! you have tons of caves and lots of spots to place corals. aww thank you!! guess it is just me hehehe i like it but then i think it looks messy.. or maybe i just need a bigger tank lmao.......
  9. rubyredrose46

    A Few Pics From Rubys 24gal Nano

    Dose anyone know what kinda of zoo this is??
  10. rubyredrose46


    Originally Posted by DeMartini I like it! I think I'm going to get a piece of acrylic and test it out tomorrow. Thanks for the pictures =) your welcome!!! yeah test it out *i am greatful for mine cause I know my zebra goby would not be with us if I did not have that top *lol*
  11. rubyredrose46

    A Few Pics From Rubys 24gal Nano

    Yay they are coming out to say hi!! lets hope they come out more... it is driving me crazy they will not open...
  12. rubyredrose46


    Originally Posted by DeMartini I would love to see how it looks! thanks =) Back of the tank * it where it open all the time where the pumps are and a bit over the corals Front of the tank. I pushed the glass back a bit so more air gets threw the front as well
  13. rubyredrose46


    Originally Posted by DeMartini ok! I'm getting a candy basslet! Ooooooo I want one!!!!
  14. rubyredrose46


    Originally Posted by DeMartini I could get a glass cover, but I would be worried about the lack of oxygen exchange. I have a glass cover on mine. I have had it on since we got the hqi lights. We have had the lights for over a year now. It dose not cover the tank 100% tho. So that way it still...
  15. rubyredrose46

    A Few Pics From Rubys 24gal Nano

    Originally Posted by scottallert nice collection. tank looks great. Thank you so much!! Originally Posted by DeMartini beautiful tank!! Your pictures are amazing! =) Aww thank you so much!!! Thank you for checking out my thread. I want to take out some of the rock.. But I am not sure. Any...
  16. rubyredrose46

    Duncans... Is it a good price??

    Originally Posted by subielover Just give it time. They seem to prefer low-medium flow. Nice score I have them at the bottom where the flow is low-medium. I am just waiting and waiting... I hate being patient sometimes!!!
  17. rubyredrose46

    A Few Pics From Rubys 24gal Nano

    Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 how many watts? 250 watts
  18. rubyredrose46

    A Few Pics From Rubys 24gal Nano

    Ok here is more photos.... This is a full shot of the tank * it never looks the same in photos. Looks so much better in person * This was before we made room for the duncans
  19. rubyredrose46

    How dumb can this be....

    Originally Posted by D-Dzel These are the ones I have, not sure if they will be the same or even helpful, but there you go Thank you!! Tho by looking at the photos they are not going to work.. I looked at the 2 cards I have and nothing matches up.. Thank you tho!!! It is greatly appreciated...
  20. rubyredrose46

    How dumb can this be....

    Originally Posted by Freeborder_01 cant you wait until tomorrow to test your water when you get a new kit? I dont think one night will make that big of a difference in your tank i agree... i am just a lil worried cause my new duncans are not opening up yet and knowing the luck *I have had...