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  1. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    Originally Posted by happityLogan I love his tail "feathers", he looks awesome! Congrats! I love his tail!! thank you
  2. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    Originally Posted by jelly-shrimp I'm wanting one so bad, but I'm worried of it breaking the glass, there are horror stories about pistol, and mantis shrimp breaking aquarium glass...but thts glass...not acrylic...hmm...maybe...but kickass tank!!! I am kinda worried about it. I lined the...
  3. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    Glass is kinda messy sorry about that.
  4. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    Well here he is... The store wanted to put him in a bag.. Which I thought they would do. So I took a cooler just in case. I could see some how the bag getting a hole and having a huge mess in our truck.. So everyone met Bam Bam
  5. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    alright I got a dark red. I am going to add it in a min and then I will snap some photos and add them tonight I hope.
  6. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    Originally Posted by JTT dont get blue. mine is blue, and its so friggin ghetto lookin. i hate it. as your name suggests, i think that like a dark ruby red would be wicked awesome with a peacock mantis, that would be just so friggin sweet. like a blood, cranberry, wine red.... ohhh yeah...
  7. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    yea I added more sand today *was waiting on my paycheck to clear the bank* I have about 4 1/2 in of sand now or more. I forgot to get some paper so I will do that tomr I hope or maybe wed cause I have that day off. I will be adding him most likely wed. I am so jazzed!! I also re did the rock I...
  8. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    Not sure what color I want to do the back of the tank with yet. So I might just do some black paper for now. I hate that it is see threw. Keep thinking black then blue then I keep thinking red... Odd color I know but I really like that idea. So till I can make up my mind paper will have to do.
  9. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    alright here is a full tank shot & a close up of the rocks *not much to look at but will be perfect for him*
  10. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    Will post photos tonight!!! I am off to the store!!! Eeeeeeee *I found a peacock too* I will be getting him soon they are holding it for me!
  11. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    Originally Posted by cal559 Very nice choice...I like mantis shrimp...I'm pretty sure you need to add crushed live rock(small pieces of LR) in there for him to make a tunnel/cave so you can molt in there... yea I have some crushed live rock in there now with some larger rocks and I will be...
  12. rubyredrose46

    Rubys Mantis Shrimp Tank

    Alright well I did it.. I talked the hubby into another tank.. Woo hooo so now we have 3 tanks... Found a tank listed on ea.. for really cheap. With everything pumps, lights, stand, and ect... It is a 28 gal AR-620 tank. Someone removed the lid and replaced the lights with a jalli a27.. So the...
  13. rubyredrose46

    Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!

    wow... ok i am jealous now..... i want!!!!
  14. rubyredrose46

    Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!

    haha or just deal with them and let them be and when they really start taking over send them to me and everyone else
  15. rubyredrose46

    Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy lol if they werent such a hassle to get off the rocks they could be urs lol... I only need like 1 of them, but those grren with the white strips add a lot of color to the bottom of then tank! But I dont want the purple ones that are in the middle up unders...
  16. rubyredrose46

    Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!

    wow..... ok so when you get bored with your tank just send it my way ok?? i really like your tank! the color wow.. ok so yea those mushrooms would look really good in my tank Love it Love it Love it!
  17. rubyredrose46

    PD's New Frag Tank

    o.O my hubbie would kill me too.. Tempting tho... looks great!!!
  18. rubyredrose46

    10 gallon experiment tank

    *shakes head* did you not learn anything from your last post??? Why would you start a new one? To have it locked up again cause you do not care about living animals.. Or do you just get a kick out of posting something and have everyone upset at you?? Do you really think this is funny?? You...
  19. rubyredrose46


    Originally Posted by NanoMantis Try pulling the rock out and hitting each mushroom with some hydrogen peroxide. no no no bad idea... just put it in my tank... yup that is a better idea.....
  20. rubyredrose46


    yea... send them to me and I will kill them for ya!!! I know a way of killing them that no one knows.... Just put them in my tank.. They will die for sure or take it over either way you get what you want and I am happy... Hahahaha