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  1. chevyrulzs2010

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Originally Posted by WorrBaller Well... here are my options: 1) I can continue to work around my back wall and livestock to try and get the sump together. 2) I can scrap the sump and leave the tank as is. And just wait 'til i can upgrade to something bigger. 3) I can get a bigger HOB to do...
  2. chevyrulzs2010

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    any updates? Did you buy your pump yet, or implement your design?
  3. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    I will probably hold off on plants, untill i see what comes in on my live rock. I cant wait to get the money to start, i just spent $200 in chicago on a trip. And i still need to pay for 2 classes, but then i am good to go. I did however find out that one class wont be $500 dollars, but only...
  4. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Ok sorry just an update, the tank im looking at is a Top Fin 55 gallon. It includes the following: Glass blcak-trim aquarium Fluorescent hood with bulbs Top Fin Power Filter with 2 cartridges Adjustable 200-watt UL hearter 6" nylon net Fishfood Sample Thermometer Water conditioner sample...
  5. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Originally Posted by WorrBaller Changes in red] Comments in blue (lol) Equipment Tank+Stand-55 Gallon tank + DIY so much cheaper Planned that anyway. Lighting-I'd recommend T5 if you're on a budget. Make sure its high output though. Any good brands? Filtering- 50lbs Live Rock +...
  6. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    UPDATEI am getting my equipment list ready so i can start my tank soon and i thought i would post it here so here you go. Feel free to add into any thing that you please, any help is welcomed.EquipmentTank+Stand-55 Gallon tank + ____________ Lighting-______________ Filtering- 50lbs Live Rock...
  7. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Originally Posted by dankbardy31 Just to put things in perspective I got a 60 gallon acrylic tank with stand, 2 canister filters, a cpr backpac, jager heater, 48" T5 lights and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff for 150 on craigs. Just throwing it out there as an idea. Granted I live in southern...
  8. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    UPDATE: I went to the LFS yesturday just to poke around and see what they had. They had a 55 gallon starter aquarium (top fin i think) For $210 and i would get 50 off, 20 mail in rebate and 30 instore discount. It included a hood and basic lighting along with gravel and other stuff i really wont...
  9. chevyrulzs2010

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Originally Posted by WorrBaller I'm wanting to start my sump soon. I have an idea for a DIY u-tube overflow but that would be a bunch of parts and more labor than my newest idea (if it works). I like the PVC overflows that people have done (I can't remember their names but I am thankful they...
  10. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Originally Posted by WorrBaller I had a 55 FOWLR as my first tank and that thing was nearly indestructible. I moved it like 3 times in one year, I had one HOB and two canister filters (never cleaned the canister) only added carbon every once in a while to the HOB. Water change once a month...
  11. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Originally Posted by vishnuborg I don't care where your from, but we reefers don't take well to being sworn at, and then laughed at. Open your eyes! Has any other noob cussed? There is etiquette, and taboo in every forum. Don't you want t make a good impression? Wow dude calm yourself. You...
  12. chevyrulzs2010

    My 30 After 1 year

    Originally Posted by colorado2step Just thought I would share a pic and see what you thought. i like that fish on the right side, the orange one. What is it?
  13. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Originally Posted by WorrBaller I'd hesitate on getting a nano. Granted the 29 would be easier than some. But as your first tank I'd stick with a 55. Or even better a 40 breeder. What I would do if I was starting up a new tank I'd find the one creature (fish, coral, invert) that I couldn't...
  14. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Originally Posted by hlcroghan Ok......mandarin is hard to keep in a small tank.......bad idea unless you do a load of serious research.........two anemones is a big no no unless you have a very very large tank and with one you need at least a 20 gallon........the SPS corals you mentioned will...
  15. chevyrulzs2010

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Originally Posted by WorrBaller A cave would be wicked! I haven't seen that. I wish I would have added more caves or tunnels on the flat wall. Would have been cool to see fish swim through. I've seen people use pvc with cuts in the tube to make little caves. It'll be awesome to see what you...
  16. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

  17. chevyrulzs2010

    29g The Not So Nano... Nano

    Nice Tank, i plan on doin something similar, specially with the rock wall. i think im going to replace the arch with more of a cave for the fish to hide in. Not to deep, i still want to see them, just a little privacy. Or would you advise against this?
  18. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    To add to my list iof things that i would like to include in my nano tank. I would need corals to complete my reef. Zoanthids Nephthea Branching Montipora Sun Polyps Birds Nest
  19. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Ok, i have done some thinking and more research and i think with my situation that i would be best doing a nano. Im thinking a 20-29 gallon nano tank with: 1 Bicolor Blenny 2 False Percula Clownfish - Aquacultured 1 Mandarin Dragonet - Green (when avalible to buy from 1 Bubble Tip...
  20. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Originally Posted by Oceansidefish I would also cut waaayyyy back on the number of hermits in the tank. I would go with about 6 max. They can be destructive in reef tanks knocking things over. They will also fight to the death for shells in that big of a group, they would in a small group too...