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  1. chevyrulzs2010

    Led VS, MH/VHO/HO/PC

    The last 2 posts make a valid point. Altho you may not see it. Look at christmas lights. The little ones. They are similar to s led becasue they have the 2 prongs that provide the power. In theroy you could make leds this way. Have led lights that plug in like the little christmas tree lights...
  2. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    :Bump: Ok i also have come up with a few questions. 1. Is a 10 Gallon Sump large enough for 50 gallons? 2. What water circulation system would be best for me? 3. Do i need a sump and a refrigendum?(spelling?) 3.5 What is the difference between the 2? 4. If i have a refrigendum(spelling) what...
  3. chevyrulzs2010

    Led VS, MH/VHO/HO/PC

    Wow, maybe i should edit the poll, add maybe some day, and i dont know as options. Lol, i do think leds make great moon lighting. I have seen tanks with them for moon lighting. My only question is will LEDs be able to deliver the UV rays that plants need to grow. I mean UV rays are what cause...
  4. chevyrulzs2010

    Led VS, MH/VHO/HO/PC

    So i have seen some led lights out there now and have said something in posts before and had people tell me that LEDs are worthless. Is this true? Are leds good or bad? Anyone really know? I like LED's because they use so little power and dont burn out (often). They tend to be the "greener"...
  5. chevyrulzs2010

    Neptunes 125 Reef Diary.

    Originally Posted by King_Neptune Its shallow. About 2-5 inches deep. What the camera doesn't really show is the protruding rocks throughout. They extend another 3-6 inches. This will let me put stuff all the way up the rock work. And how grainy it looks. I added a few shells hear and there to...
  6. chevyrulzs2010

    DIY tank and sump

    can u send me the links to what you used to make your rock and stuff. email me at =)
  7. chevyrulzs2010

    Question on auto top off systems

    any possibility you could email me the link? my email is
  8. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Originally Posted by chevyrulzs2010 Doing more research, this is what i have for fish, they seem to be the best for my needs, i didnt think i could put much more in 50 gallons, but this is stuff i like, i would like to get some more variety in color, but i didnt see much that i liked, besides...
  9. chevyrulzs2010

    Topics That Are Getting Old

    Originally Posted by chilwil84 this is not the area to complain about peoples questions. i have been involved in this hobby for a few years now and its amazing how much has changed with new technologies. many people in this hobby are not very computer literate and find that starting a thread...
  10. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Ok i also have come up with a few questions. 1. Is a 10 Gallon Sump large enough for 50 gallons? 2. What water circulation system would be best for me? 3. Do i need a sump and a refrigendum?(spelling?) 3.5 What is the difference between the 2? 4. If i have a refrigendum(spelling) what kind of...
  11. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Update: I know im all over the place, but here is my finished plans for my aquarium stand. This was to get a general idea on the size of it, so i figureed i would share it with you guys. It has a 2x4 frame, with 1/2 plywood on the top of the bottem part of the frame (for supplys or sump), and...
  12. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    I know what you mean, i was just looking at fish, and wondering if thoes where compatiable, im still researching equipment. Infact i was wondering if knowing what fish i plan to have will help me choose equipment. Still researching gear, and collection over the summer could be even longer then 1...
  13. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Doing more research, this is what i have for fish, they seem to be the best for my needs, i didnt think i could put much more in 50 gallons, but this is stuff i like, i would like to get some more variety in color, but i didnt see much that i liked, besides damsels but i dont want to deal with...
  14. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Originally Posted by NaClH2O Nut As far as lights yes you can go a little cheaper, don't go led. The good LEDs will not be cheaper! As far as the move it depends on how soon the move has to take place and how far. If you would have the ability to set up a tank and give it several weeks to...
  15. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Originally Posted by NaClH2O Nut This sounds like a saltwater list. If you are going freshwater then you will be way ahead. The 10 gal as a sump you can use just about any pump. Look for a 500-600 gph. Thatway withhead pressure of 3'-4' you will still be moving 200-300 gph. Lighting is ok...
  16. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Tank: 50 Gallons, 36x18x17, Reef-Ready (Comes standard with 1 Glass Wall Overflow (located on back panel of aquarium) Comes standard with 2 holes for the overflow), Regular Glass, Hinged Glass Top (Comes with plastic section that can be notched out for extra hoses. Midsection is two glass panes...
  17. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Originally Posted by scaples (edited to shorten the topic length) Im not trying to scare you away from saltwater right now, as you can do whatever you want. Just beware of the time and money that goes into a saltwater tank, as even the intial setup price will probably be more than you would...
  18. chevyrulzs2010

    New to the Fish World

    Hello all. My name is Sam, and im new to this whole fish thing. Sure i have owned a gold fish as a child, but they never lived past a month. I would like to start a nice fish tank of some sort, but i have no idea what I want yet. Before some one says "search the forums" I already did, and I...