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  1. ray28576

    Have you learned anything?

    Oh yeah, to answer your question, was it Johnny Carson.
  2. ray28576

    Have you learned anything?

    I've seen it in a couple books when I did a project on it in highschool. I also seen it on a couple web sites.
  3. ray28576

    freshwater nitrate skyrocket help!

    Yes, romove the UGF. Make sure the other end of the hose is below the vaccume end when you go to siphon it. And to answer the question about why I have a Survivor Avatar, is because I was on the show,..............LOL, no not really, but it really is my favorite show of all time. I can't wait...
  4. ray28576

    freshwater nitrate skyrocket help!

    I assume you have gravel.
  5. ray28576

    freshwater nitrate skyrocket help!

    That could have caused the spike. You should vaccume you gravel and do another water change.
  6. ray28576


    Oh yeah, thanks for the compliment.
  7. ray28576


    Yeah, he and my yellow tail were my very first two fish. I got them b4 I knew alittle bit about this hobby. I can't bring myself to get rid of him. He is very aggressive. When I stick my hand in the tank. he leaves bite marks all over my arm. Was yours a cycle fish?
  8. ray28576

    Have you learned anything?

    Sorry it took so long, i was at another board. Here is the answer. Because of the frigid air temperatures, rain rarely falls here. It rarely snows either; the South Pole gets less than 6 inches of snow a year!
  9. ray28576


  10. ray28576


    The BG on my tank is photo shopped because I had a glare from the flash on the back glass.
  11. ray28576


    I could'nt get one of the sea hare because hes asleep for the night. But here are my urchins amd a full tank shot. The urchin pic is one I just took. The Full tank shot is a little old. I have a sea hare pic but its not very good.
  12. ray28576


    Wait a sec and I can post some pics in about ten minutes.
  13. ray28576

    Perc Clown and Tomato Clown

    Hes had them for well over two years. He got the maroon clown first, then added the mated pair of clarkiis probably about three months after but I'm not sure about it. The Clarkiis are about 3-4" long. (biggest ones I've ever seen.) and the Maroon is a little bit smaller.
  14. ray28576


    You should get a sea hare, they are fun to watch. I can't believe you have all that corraline with 3 urchins in your tank. My urchins keep the corraline clear in my tank. I wish they would'nt eat it, but oh well.
  15. ray28576

    Perc Clown and Tomato Clown

    Clowns tend to fight eachother when you put them in the same tank, but My buddy has a Maroon and a pair of clarkiis in a 75 gl. However, I don't recomend mixing them. Most will say you have to buy 2 at the same time of the same species so they won't fight. Then you can't add no more clowns. But...
  16. ray28576

    new fish

    He is probably in the sand or under a rock. How did you acclimate him? You may not see him for a couple days.
  17. ray28576


    How many turbo snails do you have? I see them all over your front glass.
  18. ray28576

    RO water?

    Thats what I'm here for.
  19. ray28576

    Perc Clown and Tomato Clown

    Yes, they may and probably will fight. But its possible.
  20. ray28576

    RO water?

    I forgot to post the smiley at the end of my post, so I'll post 2 here to make up for it. LOL