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  1. ray28576

    May have something in my tank

    I don't think that would have killed any hermits.
  2. ray28576


    What are you saying, white men or women cant play basketball? I'm white, and I'm pretty good. I'm also only 69" tall. Height does not mean you cant play the game, it just means you practice harder and get better than the taller people.
  3. ray28576

    Is my anemone dying? Please help

    It does this for many reasons. Its not dying. It could be taking in new water, puting out waste, just ate, ect,ect...............
  4. ray28576

    Ghetto Chiller for 200 gallon reef???

    What if you have things in the tank that are from differnt parts of the ocean, what temp should you keep it at then? :notsure:
  5. ray28576

    Dual 150's or dual 70's for a 30gal?

    I would go with the one that would work best for me. If they both will work, then I would go with the one with the most watts (150). If you are getting them from the internet, can you email me with the website, I would like to check them out. My email addree is
  6. ray28576


    Trust me, if you can get 9' 10" at 14, you will definitly be able to dunk at 16. If not by the end of the summer.
  7. ray28576

    MH HQI Cooling Question

    I would make them both blow out. But thats just my opinion.
  8. ray28576

    ID Please

    Thanks What kind of lighting do you have. Also what size tank? I have a 30gl with 175MH 130Actinic PC.
  9. ray28576

    how many fish for a 29 gallon tank??

    I have 6 in mine 30 gl reef. Its not really the amount of fish as much as it is the size of fish. Those fish are'nt very big, and I think they would be fine in there. Provided enough LR.
  10. ray28576

    Odd pair

    So is mine healthy now. It turned a dark tan color in about 2 days. After I got him.
  11. ray28576

    Odd pair

    Oh yeah, how do they bleach them?
  12. ray28576

    Odd pair

    I thought something was wrong with my Condy turning tanish, because it was pure white. So is it good when it turns abrownish color. My LFS has them and they are snow white in color, is that bad?
  13. ray28576

    ID Please

    Exactly^ but anyways, I thought it was called a green gonipora. I have one, and have had it for right at about a month now don't seem to be a problem.
  14. ray28576

    Ghetto Chiller for 200 gallon reef???

    I would like to buy it. How much you want for it?
  15. ray28576

    how many fish for a 29 gallon tank??

    The clowns, Blenny, Goby, and Gramma are what I would put in there.
  16. ray28576

    this is one of the funniest videos I've ever seen, check it out

    I did'nt care to much for it.
  17. ray28576

    Ghetto Chiller for 200 gallon reef???

    I was just thinking that same thing the other day, because I'm having the same problem with my 30 Gl tank. The only problem I could think of is it may get to cold and there wont be no sensor for it to kick its self off. But it might just work. If you try it, keep me posted.
  18. ray28576

    Have you learned anything?

    The white stuff is ice.
  19. ray28576

    Perc Clown and Tomato Clown

    I had a clarkii once. He died because of some unfortunate events. But he was pretty agressive too.
  20. ray28576


    What kind of star is that in you 38 pic Tron? Do you still have it?