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  1. ray28576

    WOOT! Molting!

    Originally Posted by ryanhayes9 hi everyone, my frshwater lobster molted its first time like 2 months ago and he just did it today! WOOT! but now i have to buy him a new oat, the titanic boat. cuz he outgrew his old boat! does anyone know how big they get? I know a fresh water blue lobster gets...
  2. ray28576

    Just Moved Tank

  3. ray28576

    Max amount of fish in a 90 gallon?

    Rule of thumb says you should be able to have about 18" of fish in a 90 gl. But it really depends on your filtration. I think a flame angle would look good in a 90 gl. Good luck, hope this helped.
  4. ray28576

    Does the picture thing work?????

    I was just wondering if I would have a possible chance of getting my 2 Oscelleris clowns to go to my LTA if I put a picture of an anemone and Clown on the side of my tank? Has this ever worked for anyone. I have heard of it a couple times, but not sure if it works. Any advice would be appreciated.
  5. ray28576

    protein skimmer

    I have read that it takes about 2 weeks for a protein skimmer to work to its fullest.
  6. ray28576

    Planning Phase Help...

    What size tank is that in the pics? If it is a 70 or higher, IMO that is a pretty good deal on it.
  7. ray28576

    Planning Phase Help...

    I prefer glass as well. To me an acrylic tank looks like it turns yellow over time. They are also a lot easier to scratch.Hope this helps.
  8. ray28576

    what does a sump do?

    Oh yeah, no such thing as a dumb question.
  9. ray28576

    what does a sump do?

    A sump is something that you can hide your filtration in, also gives more water volume to your system. You can have differnt types of filtration in it. To answer the question, do you need one. I say no. I have had my tank for over three years and have never used one. All it is, is another tank...
  10. ray28576

    Just Moved Tank

    If you want a light that will pretty much allow you to have what ever kind of coral or anemone you want, then you will need about 330 watts of light IMO . Metal Halide are the best way to go. They are on the more expensive side, but IMO are definatley worth the money. For a 55 gallon tank...
  11. ray28576

    Whats up yall

    Tanks by themselves are usually pretty cheap. You can find great deals on them in the trader paper.
  12. ray28576

    SPINACH as food supplement

    LOL, good one. What kind of spinach is it? Is it just the kind you buy in the produce section at a grocery store?
  13. ray28576

    Just Moved Tank

    You really need a nitrate test. Do you plan to add any corals or anemones? If so the lighting needs upgraded. Are you familiar with the Uncle Bills Pet centers here. They are good to get your water from. They sale really good premixed RO/ saltwater for about $5 for 5 gallons. Its great to do...
  14. ray28576

    SPINACH as food supplement

    Do you think my sea hare might like it? :notsure:
  15. ray28576

    Trouble Makers on The Bessage Boards

    Same with me, if anyone thinks I have been rude or anything, I completely apoligize.
  16. ray28576

    Just Moved Tank

    Oh yeah, nice tank so far.!
  17. ray28576

    Just Moved Tank

    What are you exact levels? Also what kind of lighting do you have? Where in Indiana are? just a few questions, lol.
  18. ray28576

    this is great

    It only gets better!
  19. ray28576

    Water queation

    Just wait, the water will clear up in a couple days. Yes there are glues that you can use, but I don't know the names because I have never used them. Hope this helps.
  20. ray28576

    Medieval Battles

    What is the name of the website and does it cost anything? E-mail me at