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  1. reef bug

    invert clash?

    I have peppermints, blue legs, snails...none of them bother my fish or corals at all. Dont know about the emerald and lightfoot, but I donthtink they will hurt anyhting. In my 120, I have 5 those guys, about 125 snails, and 50 crabs. I dont reallythink I could accomodate...
  2. reef bug

    ? about DT's natural reef diet

    Lion, do you buy them locally or do you order? I wanted to try DT's but can't find it, other than ordering from the website.
  3. reef bug

    Corals not looking so hot and strange test results...

    Farslayer: Mine phos problem was once and done. I never tried phosguard, but do like other Seachem products. Thanks for the phosguard tip. Hope I never need to use it, but it's good to know.
  4. reef bug

    Corals not looking so hot and strange test results...

    There are lots of phos absorbing products out there. Kent worked wonderfully for me which is why I recommended it. Regardless of the brand you choose, follow directions carefully to rpevent leaching. If you remove the absorbant media as directed...before it reaches its
  5. reef bug

    Corals not looking so hot and strange test results...

    If you're planning on keeping the rock and want to remove the phosphates faster than just with water changes, you might want to try Kent phospahte remover. Fill a mesh bag and run it in your filter until it turns colored. Then you can rinse and re-charge it in the oven. Directions are on the...
  6. reef bug

    Help... Powerhead Issues!!!!

    Would also love to see a picture of you tank...Sounds awesome!
  7. reef bug

    Help... Powerhead Issues!!!!

    Also try the powerhead without the filter portion. Keep and eye on it so fish dont get too close while you are doing this. I have 2 aquaclears with the filter attachments as well. Dirt can accumulate inside of the filter sponge media even though the outside may look clean. My shrimp were...
  8. reef bug


    The sad thing is...I should have suspected something was wrong sooner... like when the healthy firefish vanished for no reason and then his roomy or rock-mate left for a less safe home. I also had a feather duster just vanish from that side in the past monht as well. Wonder if their...
  9. reef bug


    SCSInet: Thanks for the "signs" info. That helps. It was a pretty quiet weekend. Heard nothing on Friday or Saturday. Either my clicker was full or I was too tired to notice. Heard a few clicks last night around 11:30, but still no visual signs. Noticed something strange though....I was...
  10. reef bug


    Coach..forgot to tell you, not only once... several clicks..few nights ago lasted for about 30 minutes after I turned the lights off. Not set frequency, just random clicks, and sometime close togther and sometimes single. My husband heard them too. My Way...if it is in fact a mantis and I do...
  11. reef bug

    Curiouse how much everyone has invested into your tank/tanks?

    That's funny Merredeth! I equate my tank expenditures to the money my husband spends on Marlboros which I think is a total waste of money. HOW MUCH was that coral???? Hhmmm..only about 1 carton! PS...the same response works when you find a great shoe sale at the mall! I got a cool pair of...
  12. reef bug


    Thanks for the input...some things to consider. The noise is louder than what I think any of my shelled aniamls would be able to make. I used to get that shell on glass clicking in the past when I HAD a few nasty (not reef safe) crabs. They were removed over a year ago pre-coral days. This...
  13. reef bug


    That's what I think now too, but it wasn't until after I read that nasty manits thread. Then I thought I was just being silly/ when someone talks about bugs and you start to itch!
  14. reef bug


    Hey Guys, What else clicks...besides Yupi's Evil Mantis that we're following? Great thread, Yupi...Better than a soap! I have clicking too, but don't want to jump to conclusions out of paranoia. Based on what I'm reading, I'm getting suspicious. I have not actually seen anything, just...
  15. reef bug

    Brittle stars

    Wanna send me some?
  16. reef bug

    Sushi, Saki, and a reef tank...

    Water change(S). It will take more than one... In addition to the changes, I would try running some reef carbon in the sump. May help remove some toxins.
  17. reef bug

    Sushi, Saki, and a reef tank...

    Honestly, I'm not sure. But there is a strong possibility there could be heavy metals or chemicals in the paint reacting with the salt??? It's not likely a lead based paint since its a toy, but there is no telling what could be reacting witht eh salt water. And maybe it's not the toys...could...
  18. reef bug

    Curiouse how much everyone has invested into your tank/tanks?

    Yeah but think of the possibilites!!! Living room snorkeling?
  19. reef bug

    Sushi, Saki, and a reef tank...

    The paint on the figurines could be your problem. Cool, but not so cool for your corals or fish though. You should really get those guys out of there and do a few massive water changes. Maybe even some charcoal. When you get your tank in order, buy a fish...and name him Jack Sparrow. No...
  20. reef bug

    Curiouse how much everyone has invested into your tank/tanks?

    We started a 120 gallon reef in our bedroom at the foot of the bed about 18 months ago. We quit counting after $4000 and its very far from finished. Denial is much easier to live with.