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  1. blutang

    Puffed up

    Its totally normal for him to do that when he thinks he's being attacked, or to defend himself in a new environment.....I wouldn't worry....he should be fine now....I had a porcupine puffer and he only puffed up when I put him in the tank and took him out. Hope that helps! Later!
  2. blutang

    How Many Post Do You Have To Have To Be A Titan Trigger?

    Cool thanks! I appreciate it.
  3. blutang

    to much filter ?

    Well, Wet Dry filters are nitrate factories as it is, so I would stick to one type of filtration. Later!
  4. blutang

    Hey Mr. Marine

    I saw on my post about how much you have spent on your fish and you said that you spent 75 dollars on a Flame Angel....was that a misprint....cuz thats a lot of money for a Flame Angel......I think I gave 45 dollars for mine. Get back to me when you can. Later!
  5. blutang

    How Many Post Do You Have To Have To Be A Titan Trigger?

    And whats the next step after Purple Tang? Later!
  6. blutang

    Will starfish crawl out of my tank??

    You definitely don't have to worry about that....CC's seem to like shallow waters though, so thats normal. Later!
  7. blutang

    What's The Most You Have Ever Spent On A Fish

    For me it would be my Powder Blue Tang. It was 70.00. What about everybody else? Later!
  8. blutang

    Goby Compatability?

    Where did you try to get a hold of me at on the site. Later!
  9. blutang

    Hey MLM!!

    Anybody have an answer for him on this topic, I have never posted any pics. Later!
  10. blutang

    Skimmer or Not?!

    Cool thanks man I appreciate the information. Sounds good to me! Later!
  11. blutang

    Goby Compatability?

    I currently have a Sleeping Tiger Goby or Tiger Goby which ever you prefer. I am thinking about getting a Blue Cheek. Will these two be compatable with each other. Later!
  12. blutang

    Green slim

    Sounds like too much light time to me. Later!
  13. blutang

    Too much?

    Yeah I would advise to be very careful when you have damsels simply because they are very aggressive when it comes to their area....I would advise you to put the damsels in your friends tank. That would be the best thing to do. Later!
  14. blutang

    29G FOWLR Questions

    Be very careful with carbon because of the whole phosphate thing. I would definitely recommend that you get a filter along with the CPR simply because the more movement and filtration you have the better your aquarium. And a power filter can get a lot of uneaten food particles, and things of...
  15. blutang

    Filter with Bio-wheel

    Definitely get bio wheels they are a great way to re-purify the water and they never have to be changed in my Emporer 400 so its no hassle either. Later!
  16. blutang

    First cycle

    The reason that your ammonia is so high is because the LR is going through a die off period....your water will get really high ammonia readings. But after a period of time your water will work its way out of the spikes. Later!
  17. blutang

    My lawnmower blennie has problems!!!

    Well if he was trying to burrow in the substrate, that is a normal thing for most blennies to do when they are scared, I wouldn't think much of it just yet. Later!
  18. blutang


    I would say the Tomato Clown.....get three really small ones but not the same sizes or get just one.
  19. blutang

    Skimmer or Not?!

    I plan on a DSB and LR......I would never have a salt tank without one. Later!