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  1. blutang

    Gobie Question

    Where did you get your Blue Cheek goby at?
  2. blutang

    Lights on a cycling tank?

    While cycling my aquarium I had two damsels, and I had the light on 6 hours a day and I was very successful. So theres my 2 cents. Good Luck!
  3. blutang

    Problem With a Powder Blue

    Anyone have any ideas?
  4. blutang

    What Is a Refugium

    What is its purpose?
  5. blutang

    Color fade

    I guess I'll have to echo everyone else and say that you need to make sure to feed him mainly vegetable type of food such a seaweed and romaine lettuce. This fish is a herbivore in the wild and needs plenty of green "stuff". See ya :)
  6. blutang

    Substrate Q

    I was always told about 2.5 inches so maybe a little more to add still.
  7. blutang

    What Is a Refugium

    Can someone help me out I'm clueless?
  8. blutang

    20 gallon tank useless???

    I think that your 20 gallon is an adequate set up for a saltwater tank, however I do not believe that it is something positive for a beginner, simply because you have to make everything perfect sense you don't have many gallons for error (if you will). However on the other hand I have seen...
  9. blutang

    Gobie Question

    Anybody else have any ideas?
  10. blutang

    Problem With a Powder Blue

    This problem has sense been solved, however, I do not know exactly what it was, and I'm looking for some resolution. Anyways, I recently purchased a perfectly healthy Powder Blue Tang, and introduced him to my tank, in the following days he developed many little bubbles in his eye (just the...
  11. blutang

    Gobie Question

    Thanks for your help, are there any other ones that do that?
  12. blutang

    Tank setup question

    I totally freaked when I added the argonite, but its no big deal the dust will settle in the period of like 2-3 days and the tank will be back to its clear self :)
  13. blutang

    gobies info needed!!!

    I have had my mandarian for quite some time now, and I only have like 10 lbs of live rock. He eats brine shrimp really well, so i would venture to say that you can keep these fish fairly easily. 46 gallon Bow front
  14. blutang

    Is this Bad?

    I would STRONGLY advise you that you do do monthy water changes, because if you are new to this whole thing and you are putting in additives such as Iodine and Calcium and all that stuff, you can easily upset your water conditions. Just be careful at first if you deside to use this method.
  15. blutang

    Is this Bad?

    I asked my fish guy the same question, and he said that if I had fish in the water to do a water change, and if not just leave it until I get some fish and change it two weeks after the introduction of the first fish.
  16. blutang

    Gobie Question

    Hello, I'm totally new to this Messege Board, and I have a really quick question about a gobie I saw at my local pet store. It is the type of gobie that sifts through the sand and drops it out of the bottom of his mouth (eating the algae off the sand). What is the common name for this gobie...