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  1. blutang

    5g per 1inch

    I have always been told 2 gallons for every inch of this a bad rule...should I go with the 5 gallon rule?
  2. blutang

    Powder Blue Diet

    I have been feeding my Tang the dried up seaweed that you can buy in any fish store...I believe its seaweed select and some romaine lettuce now and then. Is this enough of a variety of diet to sustain a healthy powder blue?
  3. blutang

    Is This Possible? 125 Gallon with 3 Aqua Clear 500s? Live Sand? Live Rock?

    I agree, I think that set up will be fine. I would also get the Emporer filters, I have been a really big fan of them ever since I started simply because one has given me REALLY good water quality. See ya :D
  4. blutang

    Is this Bad?

    You can turn the filter off, however if you leave it running the water will continue to be pulled in because the water level was already high enough before you started to remove water (syphen effect) I usually leave mine on just for the simple fact of aeration, however if you have a powerhead...
  5. blutang

    terry b help

    Leave the clowns, what type are they?.....what did you do with the ones you removed?
  6. blutang

    What is it? Clam babies?

    Does anyone have any ideas on this topic I'm really interested in this?
  7. blutang

    Can I add all these inverts?

    They will also eat some of the food that the damsel doesn't when it gets to the bottom.
  8. blutang

    Can I add all these inverts?

    The only really good answer that I can give you is to get a little bit l/r. I would ask a more experienced invert person than I, but live rock and live sand definitely can't be replaced. Its really good stuff.
  9. blutang

    terry b help

    I will have to agree with the other.....there are wayyy to many fish in your tank for it being so new.....secondly if you are planning on introducing any other fish into the tank, I would suggest to remove the damsels, simply because they will pick poke and prod your other fish into death...
  10. blutang

    Flame Hawk

    Personally I would add the Hawk first.
  11. blutang

    Flame Hawk

    I am absolutely the biggest fan of Flame Hawkfish.....I have a Hawkfish and a Mandarian. I introduced the Mandarian about 2 weeks after I added the hawkfish, and I have had absolutely no problems what so ever. In face I introduced a Sleeping Tiger gody into the tank about 3 days ago and the...
  12. blutang

    square anthias

    Possiby medicate with Maracyn 2.....It pretty much heals up any type of bacterial infection.....I would discess it with you local fish store as well before purchasing the medication. Later
  13. blutang

    Can I add all these inverts?

    The only thing I would be worried about would be the inverts not having any good algae or something to munch on. If you have live rock or live sand, you should be cool for a while. Later
  14. blutang

    i found puffer munching on tang head

    Yeah I recently had a porcupine puffer in my tank and he started munching on my damsels so I had to take him back (as I didn't want an agressive tank).....I certainly hope you find a resolution to this problem. Later
  15. blutang

    blue starfish

    I would strongly suggest a serpent star or a brittle star, simple because they are much more hardy and can be really cool as well. Later
  16. blutang

    Maroon Clown HELP

    I have only been told that you can buy one Maroon Clown, or buy them as a mated pair.
  17. blutang

    Yellow Tang Question

    Before I recently bought my Square Male Anthias I would have thought that something was really wrong, however my anthias was presenting the same characteristics as your tang for like 2-3 weeks. Only he was hiding behind the lip of my filter UPSIDE was really discouraging, however he...
  18. blutang

    coral beauty or flame angel?

    I would have to say a Flame Angel, I mean bright orange how can you go wrong with that?! :)
  19. blutang

    Cleanup crew too good? AND Nitrite spike.

    My opinion would also be to slow down with the multiple fish introduction AND to be really careful with your feeding practices.
  20. blutang

    second filter?????

    I have a 46 gallon bow-front aquarium and I have one Penguin 400 I would strongly suggest a second filter or even upgrading to a Wet-Dry filter. Thats just my opinion, take it for what its worth. See ya! :)